Monthly Archives: April 2016

Abbey Meadow Improvements

Abbey Meadow Improvements
Last year the Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) asked residents how they thought £500,000 should be spent to improve the Abbey Meadows. There were three schemes, but only one involved keeping the outdoor pool. The consultation turned into a campaign to keep the outdoor pool, and people voted overwhelmingly in favour of the option with the outdoor pool. So the pool is staying but does not appear to be having any major investment.

The money will be spent as follows:

  • The pool building will get a face-lift and new public toilets will be provided.
  • There will be a new changing room for the splash area.
  • The play area will be upgraded to create two adventure playgrounds, one for younger children and another for older children – replacing the crazy golf.
  • The tennis courts are to be replaced with a new multi-use games area.
  • New picnic tables and seating will be added near the river.

Total cost £610,000 – £570,000 comes from the Vale of White Horse District Council, and £45,000 from the Old Gaol development.

Work on the new play areas and the swimming pool building is expected to start this autumn and be completed in spring 2017, but some of the smaller improvements will happen earlier in the year.

Before that, in 2016:

  • The outdoor pool will be open between 28 May and 4 September.
  • The splash pad will be turned on each day from 9am until 7pm also between 28 May and 4 September.
  • The tennis court, crazy golf and pitch and putt are available every day between 11am and 6pm during the summer holiday, on bank holiday weekends, and during weekends from 11 June.

Where you can sometimes see Deer Near Abingdon Town Centre

Ock Valley Walk
On the Ock Valley walk there was one half of a big willow tree came down over the weekend.
Ock Valley Walk
Lots of new trees have been planted by members of the Green Gym in previous years at the town end of the path. They will provide good cover for wildlife in years to come.
Ock Valley Walk
This year, on their first outing after Easter, 18 people, with the Green Gym, spread wood chip on the path, and litter picked the Ock Valley Walk. A programme for people interested in exercising to make a difference with the Green Gym is here.
Ock Valley Walk
And by the way this is a deer that crossed the Ock Valley Walk, crossed the River Ock, and then escaped into the gardens of St Amand Drive on the other side.

Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016

Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
At the Abingdon Cycle Festival, on the 10th April 2016, rides started at 9am from the Market Place.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
The rides ranged from the 50 mile quick road ride, averaging 19-22 mph, to 5 mile family rides.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
There were 31 rides on the schedule, and it was a case of sign in early to get the ride you wanted.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
The day started off sunny with a cool breeze.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
There was music to entertain the cyclists, and stalls servings food and refreshments, as well as stalls selling cyclist gear, and a stall with fold-up Brompton bikes.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016
The oldest bike was a 1891 Rover – still going strong.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016>
The Town Crier announced all the rides and helped direct people to their starting point. But this year he had a brand new bike. The green vintage bicycle he rode at previous cycle festivals has not lasted as well as the 1891 Rover.
Abingdon Cycle Festival 2016>
The final picture is at 10am and shows a typical scene with cyclists waiting for the off.