Send pictures or stories for this blog to All gratefully received. As are comments. Please also let me know if you want anything removed.
For more information about Abingdon try the town portal …
Abingdon-on-Thames has key contacts, news and events on what’s happening in the town. It also allows access to Town Council information, Abingdon County Hall Museum, and lots of history pages: people and places.

Wikipedia also has much to say about the UK’s oldest continuously inhabited town and some of the strange customs that go on here.
Where pictures are taken from other sources, I use a creative commons or attribute the British Newspaper archive or whoever gave me permission. I am in the process of checking all pictures not taken by me over the years for possible copyright issues, and removing those where there is any doubt. Please let me know at if any are found and I will remove them immediately.
There are links to many other Abingdon sites in the Links Page. I prefer to link to standard web sites rather than Facebook if possible.
About Me:
Pseudonym: Backstreeter. I live in what was formerly called Back Street.
Log of system changes to site – This will be gobbledygook to many people but provides a change trail
18/6/2020 – Major Update
Import data from 2 bloggers and previous wordpress held at into staging area at
Run a plugin to find and fix all broken links in staging area
Remove draft and unwanted posts and spam comments
Create new site with wordpress 5.4.2 at
Import data from staging area using WordPress Importer plugin
Install and activate Twenty Twelve theme
Add some css to place the banner picture.
Remove standard side widgets
Add side widgets for search, archive, and categories.
Add Askimet plugin – rejects spam comments
Add Loginizer plugin – rejects multiple attempted logins
Add Statcounter plugin – counts visits
Add Classic Editor plugin – allows old style editing
27/6/2020 – more reply after post
Added some css to make the reply appear at the bottom of the post
28/6/2020 – latest available php
Upgraded php to 7.4. It was left at 5.4 to keep working. Redirect any traffic to /wordpress/ to /wp2020/ using .htaccess redirect. If the old version is ever needed then remove redirect, clear images and files from cache, then revert to php 5.4.