Yesterday (Saturday), a team of volunteer mechanics offered free bike health checks in the space under Abingdon Museum. This happens under the auspices of One Planet Abingdon from 10:30 to 13:00 on the third Saturday of each month.
In the basement, in the the One Planet Abingdon Climate Emergency Centre, John Killick stands with the Biodiversity Exhibition. He offers Biodiversity tours round St Ethelwold’s Garden. Protecting and restoring land for the benefit of people and wildlife is one of the ten parts of the One Planet Living Framework. (See
Another volunteer used their skills in massage to promote Health and Wellbeing, another part of the framework.
Carol had done a cooking course with One Planet Abingdon, and afterwards has made a blanket which will be raffled to raise money for the centre.
Similar to how people can send cards to people on Amnesty International fact sheets, there is a chance to send cards in solidarity with those in prison for our planet.