Category Archives: community groups

One Planet Living Festival 2024

The One Planet Living Festival 2024 was on the Market Place today. There is also an election and the Reform UK local candidate was there. He had a discussion about The Climate Emergency with Tim, the alternative town crier.

The Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers performed. Roger Cox the current Mayor of Ock Street will be standing down this year, and the vote for the new Mayor will be next Saturday, the 22nd of June. There will be a lot more Morris Dancing then as well as the Abingdon Passion Play and the Abingdon River Litter Pick.

The day’s events were enlivened by music, poetry, and a fashion show organised by Dr Diane Regisford: Racial Equity Social Sculptress , Politician , ARTiviste , Healer , Poet , Author and Evocative Enquirer. She is seen here with Councillor Alison Rooke the new chairman of Oxfordshire County Council. Alison has been Mayor, Chair of the District Council, and now Chair of the County Council.

There was also a lot of dancing to music which had an Afro Caribbean sound.

Every now and then some mysterious women in red would smoke in, waving their arms.

Down in the museum basement (the Climate Emergency Centre), Abingdon Muslims were serving Asian Street food for a donation for charity. I think they are raising funds for a base of their own in Abingdon.

There was a presentation by Philippa Hoy from the charity Bioregional, the organisation behind One Planet Living. One Planet Living is where we can live happily within the Earth’s resources.

A lot was happening. It was lively fun and crazy at times. There were also businesses with sustainable products such as Tribe (Zero-Waste) from Faringdon, who deliver to Abingdon.

Make Music Day is on Friday June 21st in Abingdon, and two of the performers also performed at the One Planet Living Festival 2024.

Farewell to the Band Hut: Abbey Brass Band Looks to the Future

In 1986, the Abbey Brass Band acquired six portacabins from Culham and assembled them next to the Open Air Pool near the Abbey Meadow. Band members and their families put a lot of effort into transforming those portacabins into a space where the band could rehearse and train.

The Band Hut has served the band well for over 30 years, until early 2020. Many young people have first played a brass instrument in that ‘temporary’ hut.

Unfortunately, a survey conducted in September 2020 by the Vale of White Horse revealed the hut was no longer fit for purpose. The roof was beginning to sag and it was vulnerable to vandalism.

Demolition has been happening over the last week, and the final section of the structure was demolished today. The land where the band hut stood will be cleared and levelled.

The band performed at the Mayor Making last week. They now rehearse in Fitzharrys School. See

Good News for Caldecott: New Multi-Use Games Area & Community Newsletter

The new Multi-use games Area at Caldecott Recreation Ground (in South Abingdon) is nearly finished! The access mats and heavy machines have gone.

Most of the construction looks complete, including the base, tarmac, fences, and basketball nets. Line painting needs to be done.

This project by Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council will be a great space for basketball, netball, football, skating, and probably much more

This follows the installation of outdoor gym equipment in July 2022, adding to the recreation ground’s amenities.

Things are looking up for Caldecott. Volunteers are delivering a 4 page newsletter full of activities for young people and families in the area. The newsletter and other projects are financed by Community First Oxfordshire which is looking to increase health and wellbeing in targeted areas in Oxfordshire. See The next newsletter will be out for Easter.

20 Years of Dedication: Abingdon Volunteers Honour Judy Hashman (+ Volunteers Needed)

Abingdon and District Volunteers recently recognised Judy, their dedicated secretary, for 20 years of outstanding service. Sue Stevens, the organisation’s longest-serving volunteer, presented the award.

Abingdon and District Volunteers provide a vital service to the community; transporting people to essential appointments like hospitals, doctors, surgeries, and day centres when using public transport or taxis is difficult.

Do you enjoy driving, helping people, and have some spare time? Abingdon and District Volunteers are seeking more volunteers to join their team. For more information, contact Malvin Drakley,

On the subject of the need for volunteers, Abingdon’s Darby & Joan Club needs YOU! This social club for retired people needs new volunteers to run the club as the current leader is standing down. They meet fortnightly at St Helen’s Church Hall and have a membership of 20-30 people. The club is due to close on 27th February without additional volunteers. The club has guest speakers, entertainment, and tea and coffee, and is a good way for members to get out and meet new people and friends. Please ring Rachel Poole at Age UK Oxfordshire on 0345 4501276 for more information.