Monthly Archives: March 2013

Town Council Meeting in the Roysse Room

The March Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council meeting was in the Roysse Room rather than the Council Chamber – possibly because Reverend Paul Smith took prayers at the start and his wheel chair doesn’t go up stairs. The town council is now half way through its four year term and has settled down to working together.

In the section where councillors propose motions under Standing Order 8, there were 4 motions proposed:
Town Council Meeting
1. There was a proposal by Conservatives that the Town Council arranges a Flood Fair where the EA and other agencies can demonstrate flood protection equipment like flood gates. Agreed by all.
2. There was a proposal by Lib Dems to call on the County Council to make swifter progress on the Flood Risk Management Document for the Thames Valley. After a Conservative amendment, to also add the Environment Agency (EA), it was voted in unanimously.
3. There was a proposal by Lib Dems to call on the District council to make swifter progress with its local housing supply plan. Again agreed unanimously after a Conservative amendment.
Town Council Meeting
4. There was a proposal by Conservatives that the plaque put up to commemorate The Queen opening the museum in 1956 be moved so it does not get hidden behind the new doors. Agreed by all.
Town Council Meeting
It was mentioned by one Councillor and an officer that there was a mystery surrounding the disappearance of the wreaths from the war memorial. Normally they are all left for a few weeks, and the one from the Royal British Legion is left for most of the year. It turned out not to be such a mystery. It had been very windy and the wreathes were being blown all over the place and the British Legion took them away for safe keeping.
Town Council Meeting
The one area where there was disagreement was who should be the next Mayor. The Conservatives proposed, the Deputy Mayor, Andrew Todd. The Lib Dems stuck to their guns and proposed Samantha Bowring for the third year running. There was only one nomination for Deputy Mayor: Angela Lawrence, an independent. May 8th is Mayor Making.

4 days until The Abingdon Passion Play – still time to make a palm leaf

The Passion Play
On Saturday I heard there were actors from the Abingdon Passion Play in town and went out with my camera, but couldn’t find Jesus. So I was very pleased to be sent some pictures – taken at last weekend’s rehearsal.
The Passion Play
The main performance will be this coming Sunday from 1pm – for soaking up the atmosphere, and 2pm for the main performance in the Abbey Gardens. Children and adults can even be part of the experience by dressing as a biblical character and bringing a ‘palm leaf’ to wave.

More details about it all at