Unexpected Heavy Snow

St Patricks Day Snow
The overnight rain turned to snow this morning, and heavy snow at times.

I made a short video as I walked round town marveling at the snow, and then went to Trinity where the snow was settling on the grass.

14 thoughts on “Unexpected Heavy Snow

  1. colin

    It was very sudden,

    I was in Botley and had to be at the Morning service at All Saints Methodist (on sound). The A34 was empty, and untreated!!!!!, it was that sudden. Apparently although the road sensors detected it, the Met office hadn’t given enough warning to OCC to treat the roads, and get the crews out early enough.

    The last time I was on sound in January it snowed heavily, I was stranded in Oxford that time, and didn’t make it that time..??

  2. Craig

    Rather off message for this post (apologies) – but can anyone recommend a good tree surgeon in or around Abingdon?

  3. Col

    Theres a song there I think,

    to the tune why does it always rain on me….

    Why does it always snow on me.
    Is it a pennace that is for me?

  4. rudi

    i was in birmingham at the weekend and there was just a little rain – couldn’t believe my eyes as the train pulled into oxford and i saw snow and flooded fields.

  5. Paul

    My Canadian grandsons thought it was going to SNOW. They were disappointed; the rest of us were probably relieved.

  6. Pete

    I lived in Aberdeen for 6 years…. this “snow” was like a summer’s morning mist up there…. soft Southern Jessies or what ?!? ;O)

  7. Iain

    Snap Pete – have loads of pics of me as a kid on the beach in a duffle coat making sand and snow castles.

  8. Theoxonian

    I got caught on the A34 – it was awful …. weird slushy snow, visibility real poor and vehicles trudged along about 40 mph ….. then to my annoyance I lost a wiper and couldnt see …… had to pull over…….


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