Monthly Archives: January 2016

Abingdon Alpha Launch Event

Abingdon Alpha
There have been banners around town for the annual Abingdon Alpha Courses
Abingdon Alpha
There was an introductory meeting with a free meal at the Spice Valley Restaurant this evening. An invited speaker told people how his life had been turned around after he went to an Alpha course, and found out about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Abingdon Alpha
Alpha is a ten week introduction to the Christian Faith. Each week there is a talk at the start and then a discussion.

133 people were there for the launch event – and there is room for more at any of the venues.

Nags Head gets a new roof during the winter months

Abingdon Bridge
Below Abingdon Bridge there is a little bit of flooding over by the Abingdon Vale Cricket Pitch, but nothing like last winter.
Abingdon Bridge
During the winter months, on Abingdon Bridge, work is underway on the roof of the Nags Head pub, and nearby at ,the Abingdon Boat Centre, work is happening on the ex-chandlery shop that will open as a Riverside Cafe in the Spring, with the Chandlery moving to the smaller building alongside.
Abingdon Bridge
Unit 1 of the Old Gaol restaurants has been let. If Captainkaos’s rumour is correct, then it will become Koh Abingdon, a Thai restaurant – part of the expanding Koh Thai chain.
Abingdon Bridge
No movement at the Upper Reaches yet. This hotel is owned by Caparo Hotels who say on their web site ‘Caparo Hotels is a management and investment company, which currently operates four hotels in Southern and Central England.’ But they show only three.
Abingdon Bridge
Information about the Upper Reaches has been removed since last year.

Start of a Neighbourhood Plan for Abingdon-on-Thames

Neighbourhood Plan
At the recent meeting of the Town Council planning committee it was recommended that the town council lead the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the town.

Thame has a very good neighbourhood plan that gives a framework for decisions about future development – all agreed in a referendum of the town. Wantage will soon have one too.
Neighbourhood Plan
People in South Abingdon have already been through consultations towards developing a Resident’s Plan (called SARP). A lot of work was put in by volunteers gathering information, working with people who had already developed successful Residents Plans. As a result a questionnaire was put together to go to every house in the area. That was sent to the Vale of White Horse District Council for approval, and was never heard of again. Perhaps, instead, the Town Council can bring back that good work into the town’s neighbourhood plan.

At the meeting, Hester, representing The Friends of Abingdon, said The Friends are very much in favour of such a plan as it will allow more local control of CIL Money (Community Infrastructure Levy paid by developers to build in the area), and help control development. The Friends hope to see a wide variety of people involved to ensure the process is inclusive.

So the next stage is for the town council to put money in the budget for next year, to hire a consultant with the expertise to lead such a process, and get all sorts of people involved. Then in a couple of years we can all vote on it.