A tree has been planted near the Ock Valley Walk, close to where a large chestnut tree was recently felled. I believe the new tree is a Liquid Amber.
The tree is dedicated to Peter Green who did as much as anybody to make the Ock Valley Walk what it is today. Four Liquid Amber trees were added as part of the Market Place refurbishment during Pete’s year as mayor. They were about the size of this tree and have grown into fine sturdy trees which have a brilliant and long-lasting autumn colour.
Category Archives: trees
Waitrose Willow Pollarding
Michael says, ‘These willows outside Waitrose had branches overhanging the footpath but isn’t this taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut?’
Pollarding willows in the summer is not as common as in the winter when they are dormant.
Pruned at both ends
The plane trees along St Helen’s Wharf have their branches pruned back to almost nothing every few years, but they don’t seem to mind and slowly grow back. From time to time, their roots crack and lift the asphalt pavement until the council notices and marks the offending roots
and gets them pruned and covered with fresh tarmac. But they will be back.
Trees, cut trees, and replanted trees
Earlier in the year I did a report of the tree planting by the River Thames on the opposite bank to the Swift Ditch weir. Daniel has an excellent drone video of the trees, tree removal and replanting. The following are some of his pictures and all rights belong to Daniel.
Cut Trees
Replanted Trees
More replanted trees.