Monthly Archives: May 2015

The World is my Country Exhibition comes to Abingdon

The World is my Country
At St Nicolas Church a small exhibition has been put on, at the invitation of the Abingdon Peace Group, telling the stories of people, from both sides of the WWI conflict, who resisted the call to arms. There was also a talk this evening at St Nic’s church about these people.
The World is my Country
On the way to the talk, I took a picture of a rainbow arching above the church and County Hall.
The World is my Country
The first half of the evening got us talking together in groups, trying to discover the reasons why some people, as various as a Jamaican Carpenter, and a Huddersfield member of the British Socialist Party, resisted the call to fight for King and Country.

At the end we were asked to share an experience when we had stood up for something we believed in, when most people were of the opposing view. Listening to two members of the Abingdon Peace Group I realised they had stood up for their beliefs in self defining ways.

In the second half we heard three stories. One was of a Maori Princess, shown in the poster above, who led her people in a campaign of non violent protest against conscription.

To see the posters and read the stories visit St Nicolas Church over the next few days, or visit The World is My Country website.

Walk on the Ridgeway

Thanks to Naomi for sending me this…
Naomi helps fund raise for a local Oxford/Abingdon charity called Flexicare. They have been going for thirty years and provide sitting in / care at home for families who have a child with severe physical and/or learning disability.

Over the weekend the charity had two fundraising walks around the Ridgeway including a wheelchair accessible route.
The refreshment tent was at Scutchamer Knob.

The next Flexicare fund raiser is a concert at the Natural History Museum in Oxford on June 19th.

Abingdon Town Bus – Service Cut before 9am and after 3pm

Abingdon Town Bus
Heyfordian have been running the subsidised Abingdon Town Bus Service since June 2010. It connects places off the main bus routes.

The new contract from June 1st 2015 has been won by Thames Travel.
Abingdon Town Bus
The main difference comparing the old timetable shown above …
Abingdon Town Bus
and the new service downloadable from Thames Travel  is that services before 9am, and after 3pm have been cut.

County Council officers reported to councillors that “There is barely any recorded use of the Abingdon town services in peak periods: as a result the peak hour journeys provided by service 40 in the morning and late afternoon are likely to be withdrawn.

Usage reduces significantly in the afternoon, particularly on Saturdays. An earlier finish may provide an opportunity to reduce costs if necessary and protect the overall level of service for the busier part of the day.”

Abingdon Town Band – Golden Anniversary Concert

Golden Anniversary Concert
This evening at St Helen’s Church there was a concert to celebrate fifty years of Abingdon Town Band.

Steve Rich, the musical director for thirty years, looked back to the days when rehearsals began at Dunmore School in 1965, and now to the excellent facilities they use at John Mason School in 2015. He looked forward to 2065 when the Band will hopefully have their own rehearsal hall, and bandstand in the park.
Golden Anniversary Concert
The band play at many civic events including the remembrance day services in Abingdon for the last 45 years. Steve’s wife, Alison, the principal cornet player, has played the Last Post most of those years, and has been complemented by army experts on many occasions.

The band will be doing Proms in the Park again on June 6th, as part of Music in the Park.
Golden Anniversary Concert
This evenings concert began with the National Anthem, and ended with the bands signature tune ‘True and Trusty’. There was a full and varied programme.