Monthly Archives: November 2010

Changes at Spring Gardens Cemetery

Spring Gardens Cemetery (previously known as the New Cemetery) is to see improvements over the coming months.
Spring Gardens Cemetery
A new area for cremated remains has been installed in the cemetery. It will be landscaped and used when the present Garden of Remembrance is full.
Spring Gardens Cemetery
A new office for cemetery enquiries, a toilet facility for visitors, and a depot area for the workers is to be installed. The old office building (shown above) is to be carted away.
Spring Gardens Cemetery
Also the roadway / pathway in the Spring Gardens Cemetery will be resurfaced to improve accessibility and the environment. This is the worst stretch near the bottom and it floods on days like today but wll drain when redone.

More pictures next spring when the work is complete. But I will show respect and not intrude. It can take some people a very long time to come to terms with losing someone very close and the cemetery is a very private place.

Abingdon may need a large cherry picker for the Royal Wedding

Christmas Lights
I see a large cherry picker is out helping to put up Christmas lights in time for the Extravaganza Evening on 30th November … The parade starts at 6.45pm.
Louisa Hannan
Louisa Hannan from Radio Oxford will switch on the lights at 7pm. The fireworks are planned to start at 8.15pm.
Cain Dingle
Before that on Saturday, Poundland Abingdon is to be opened by Emmerdale star Cain Dingle.

And I am led to believe that Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged to be married in 2011. This could pose a slight problem since the County Hall will be closed off for building work. So if there is to be a Royal Wedding Bun Throw it may need a very tall cherry picker or crane instead.

Remembrance Sunday

I could not take pictures during the ceremony so will fill in with words…
Remembrance Day
We get a letter through the door before Remembrance Sunday reminding us to remove our cars from West St Helen Street during the parade.

Dignatories lined up at the Guildhall at 9:45 and processed behind Abingdon Town Band along East St Helen Street to St Helen’s Church for a church service of remembrance starting at 10 and ending about 10:45.

There is not room round the war memorial for everybody who comes anymore. There were more people than ever this year. Four riflemen stood at the corners of the war memorial. The standard bearers of the uniformed organisations stood at the front. Soldiers, and uniformed groups stood in rank round the memorial, and local people round the outside.

At 11 am the last post was played as the standards were lowered to the wet ground, and then the two minute silence followed. After the trumpet reveille wreathes were laid on the memorial steps to the singing of “Oh God our Help in Ages Past” and the band playing “The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Endeth” and The Naval Hymn “Eternal Father”
Remembrance Day
After the ceremony of remembrance people lined the High Street and the Mayor stood on a platform to take the salute as first the soldiers of the regular army from Dalton Barracks marched past, then the Royal British Legion and veterans, and then many other military and uniformed groups.

Only then did it begin to rain so people were free ro go inside. Many went home and some went to a short reception in the Guildhall where a toast was said to the Royal British Legion, to Abingdon, and to the Queen.

update ———-
Remembrance Day
Thanks to Sue for a couple of pictures…. veterans with Sea Cadets behind parading from St Helens Church
Remembrance Day

and some people at the war memorial.