Monthly Archives: May 2020

Tony out and about quiz

Tony has been out and about and sent this picture quiz from Abingdon.
picture quiz
1. Where is this stone bridge in Abingdon?
picture quiz
2. £239.99. Where is this expensive tree?
picture quiz
3. What is going on here and where?
picture quiz
4. Who is not amused?

1. Just off the Causeway near the football club, leading to Rye Farm field.
2. Abbey grounds. Not sure it is dead or just sleeping.
3. Boxhill Wood near Fitzharry’s Mound. Glad to see that they left a tree with a woodpecker’s nest, but having stripped all the branches I can’t imagine the occupants still use it.
4. Queen Victoria in the Abbey Gardens with a pigeon on her head.
picture quiz

A better world

Encouragement and Hope
At 10am on Sunday morning some locals were standing in the Market Place socially distancing and displaying messages of hope. The world has changed dramatically in the last two months due to a global pandemic. The old ways of doing things, ways that were not sustainable for the planet, could be made to change for the better.
Encouragement and Hope
Encouragement and Hope
Encouragement and Hope
Thanks to Tim for these pictures.
Encouragement and Hope
There have been a lot of people out cycling during the lockdown, particularly young families for whom the roads are not always felt to be safe. A new cycle lane has been put in along Bath Street during the lockdown. The cycle way to Milton Park and Didcot is being improved. Car drivers are being more sympathetic to cyclists at the moment.
Encouragement and Hope
Today, I went to Pedal Power – the bike shop on the Vineyard. They are open to one customer at a time – at the times specified on their website. There could be a small queue outside. This was a chance to get things needed to keep our bikes on the road. I could have sent off for the same things from ebay or amazon but I saved money by going to Pedal Power and shopped local.

Abingdon 100 years ago – May 1920

Saturday 01 May 1920
Abingdon 100 years ago
At the Abingdon Borough Police Court on Tuesday, Edwin Fisher, cabman, Fyfield, was summoned for cruelty to a horse, but did not appear. Mr Finch, R.S.P.C.A., said that on the 17th April he found the horse, which was very old. in the High Street in a very bad state. He had called the defendant’s attention to sores on its back the week previous. The Bench ordered the horse to be destroyed, and adjourned the case sine die defendant to pay 10s towards costs.

The annual spring stock sale at Abingdon took place on Wednesday last week in the Tower Brewery Meadow, Ock Street. The entries exceeded 400 and were mostly from farmers in the district. Messrs Adkin. Belcher and Bowen, the auctioneers, sold most of the stock at good prices.

Saturday 08 May 1920
Abingdon 100 years ago
At the County Bench on Monday, James Sutton, labourer, of no fixed abode, was charged with breaking into the residence of William Hosier, Ock Mill, Abingdon, on April 29th. Prisoner had been previously convicted and the Bench sent the case to the Reading Assizes.

The Abingdon War Memorial Committee have decided that the site for the Memorial shall be the Square, the same place as the temporary cross is erected. The final vote for the Memorial design is to be left to the relations of the 205 men of the town who had lost their lives in the war, but are to be given three designs to choose from, viz a cross, a cenotaph, and a bronze figure of a Berks infantryman.

On Thursday in last week the members of the Abingdon Y.M. Social Club returned from war services were entertained to a dinner by C Pryce founder of the Club, which took place at the Assembly Rooms, Station Road. During the evening the presentation of a wallet of Treasury notes was presented to Mr A. J. Young who recently resigned the office of hon. sec and treasurer after 25 years service. Young’s, response, mentioned the fact that during the past 25 years he had not missed a single meeting of the Club which he estimated at nearly 300 meetings. He thanked the company for giving him such a happy ending to a pleasant chapter of his life.

Saturday 15 May 1920
Abingdon 100 years ago
At the Abingdon May Fair on Thursday in last week the Abingdon Market Place was occupied by roundabouts, stalls, etc , and there was a large attendance during the evening. The fair was originally a horse fair held in Lombard Street, but which has been defunct for many years.

The last of the winter series of lectures given in Abingdon under the auspices of the Berks Agricultural Society was delivered on Wednesday by Dr. B. Marett, Dean of Exeter College, Oxford, on prehistoric periods.

The Abingdon Cricket Club commenced their season on Saturday last with a match on the home ground against Oriel College, Oxford, the former winning by 54 runs.

Borough Court, Tuesday. John Pullinger, Radley, was fined 5s for not sending his child to school regularly.
Saturday 22 May 1920
Abingdon 100 years ago
On Monday most of the builders workmen, masons, bricklayers, painters etc-, came out on strike for the Oxford wages of 2s per hour, the present pay being per hour 1s 6 1/2d.

The Abingdon Division of the Berks Constabulary had a field day on Monday last amongst the motor drivers. All cars and motor cycles were held up for production of licenses, particulars of which were taken down. The episode interested many of the Abingdonians, especially the juveniles.

The Abingdon ‘lvy’ Lodge of Oddfellows have placed in their Lodge room an oak tablet in honour of 184 members of the Lodge, who served in the Forces during the war; 33 of whom made the supreme sacrifice. The tablet was designed by G. Dixon, Abingdon, and the names are in gilt letters, the unveiling the Memorial took place last week when the Vicar of Abingdon said the dedicatory prayers, and the hymn O God, our help in ages past was sung. There was a large company present including the Mayor.

The Abingdon Branch of the Comrades, at a meeting last week passed the following resolution to be sent to the Government ‘That this Branch, being gravely concerned at the news which reaches them from many parts of Ireland, of the conditions under which ex-Service men are living, the persecution which they are suffering, and the danger to their wives and families, calls upon the Government to take immediate steps to give protection to these men, who went without any compulsion whatever to fight side by side with their brothers of Great Britain overseas.
Saturday 29 May 1920
Abingdon 100 years ago
The Whitsuntide services at the Churches of St. Helen’s, St. Michael’s and St. Nicholas’. Abingdon, were attended on Sunday by large congregations, and the Churches were nicely decorated.

Thank you for the extracts to the Faringdon Advertiser and Vale of the White Horse Gazette on the British Newspaper Archive.

AbiMeds hits 1000!

Thankyou to Hester for this update …
AbiMeds hits 1000
Yesterday – a month after we started – the AbiMeds team delivered their 1000th package of medications. We are also delighted to announce that Tesco Pharmacy have agreed to join the scheme, so we are now covering all the Abingdon pharmacies.

Many people don’t realise that this service is available to anyone, not just those shielding or self-isolating: the aim is to reduce the risk, not just to those queuing, but also to pharmacy staff. So 1000 less people queuing will have made a real difference.

Feedback from people using the service has been excellent, they are amazed by the speed and delighted by the professional but friendly manner of our volunteers. We hope that they will spread the word so that we can help even more people in the next month.
AbiMeds hits 1000
The number to ring to book a delivery is 01865 818351 (open Monday-Saturday 09.00-16.00). For more information see