Monthly Archives: May 2017

Changes at North East Abingdon Community Centre

North East Abingdon Community Centre
The Social Club has been in the same building and alongside North East Abingdon Community Centre since it opened in 1984. It has a bar, pub games, quizzes, and special events at Christmas and New Year. All residents within the area of Twelve Acre Drive, Oxford Road, Norman Avenue and Radley Road could apply for full membership, and people outside could become associate members.

But in 2017, for financial reasons – I believe, the Social Club is having to close down leaving the Community Centre, and its clubs and societies, to use all of the building.
North East Abingdon Community Centre
The Community Centre is used from Monday to Friday by Peachcroft Pre-School, so is well used. Members of the Committee would like to see the centre also well used in evenings and weekends by all people from the area to ensure the centre is still there for many years to come.

Save the Children Stall and Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week
On the Market Place on Saturday was the Save the Children Stall.
Christian Aid Week
It is also Christian Aid week and there was also a Christian Aid stall. They were asking people to write on a clothes line what they felt they would most need if they arrived in a foreign country as a refugee.

It is 60 years since the first ever such week, and there are still a band of people delivering and collecting Christian Aid envelopes, door to door – not as many as there used to be.
Christian Aid Week
On the Christian Aid website, I see that Emily, aged eight, from Abingon Baptist Church, designed her own Christian Aid envelope and helped do the door to door collection.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon meets Cathy. The worlds press were there too.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) has been phased out for people aged 16 to 64.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

This has been replaced by Personal Independence Payments (PIP). People between 16 and 64 are entitled to £22 and £141.10 a week if they are successful in their PIP assessment.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

Conservative leader Theresa May was taken to task over disability benefit cuts as she met an angry voter. Cathy, a well known person in Abingdon, squared up to the Prime Minister and condemned the Government’s cuts to help for people with disabilities.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

Cathy has had the ear of the Prime Minister for a few minutes and made some headlines. Cathy said she had a mild learning disability and said she wanted her Disability Living Allowance back.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

She confronted Mrs May as the Prime Minister visited Abingdon for a general election campaign visit.

PM Theresa May in Abingdon

She stood up for all those who had lost out through disability benefit cuts that have left some of the most vulnerable in distress. It made headlines.

Abingdon Air and Country Show – 2017

This is the biggest event in the Abingdon Calendar, attracting a huge number of people. Many come primarily to see the air show, but there are a lot of other attractions besides.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
In the Arena there were, among others, falconry displays, Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers, and The Oxford Caledonian Pipe Band.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
In the music tent, seated on bales of hay, the audience listened to singers, choirs, troupes, and bands including the Mangledwurzels – a tribute band to the Wurzels who had a number one hit single ‘Combine Harvester’ in 1976.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
The Country Show also attracts a lot of ex military vehicles, and re-enactors. These soldiers could have served France in the Algerian War of Independence, from 1954 to 1962. That war ended in Algeria getting independence from France.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
MGs and other vintage cars were there in big numbers. This particular MG is well known in Abingdon, but others came from far and wide. There were a group of 18 MGs from Shropshire who came over for the weekend to take part.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
This fire engine has Wallingford on the side, as that was the last place it served, but it served in Abingdon during the 1960s, and attended the Abingdon Maltings Fire in 1968.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
Then there were about 20 steam traction engines, and many many stalls – community and trade. They seemed to be laid out differently this year so more of them could enjoy the air displays which were on the other side.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
The air displays didn’t go totally to plan.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
There was one emergency landing on the grass. Fire engines and ambulances were very quickly in attendance, and the pilot was take to hospital for checking out. So hopefully the report I heard, that it is not too serious, is true.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
That led to a delay of 45 minutes before flying could resume. After the flights resumed, the Great War Display team gave an exciting display with about eight aircraft in the air together chasing each other about, simulating WWI fighting, while explosions boomed as they were shot at from the ground.
Abingdon Air and Country Show
There were also things for younger children including amusements, ice cream, animals, and Punch and Judy. The young lady on the right is one of the new police cadets that have just restarted recently. It is an alternative to army, navy, an air cadets.

Cadets take part in neighbourhood policing initiatives, community activities and events. This was their first event. To find out more go to