Monthly Archives: April 2011

Double Parade Day

St George Day Parade
The St George Day parade should have been next week but as next week is Easter it got pushed forward a week. The group above are from Trinity Church.
St George Day Parade
This year the Sea Cadets led the parade. Numbers were down a little on previous years because it is the middle of the Easter holiday and lots of people are away, but it was still a good parade.
St George Day Parade
Duncan Brown, The Mayor, gave the address in the church. He is pictured here with Beth Fleming, Chairman of the district council. Duncan was a scout, and Beth was a Guide. It may well have helped them get where they are today.
Palm Sunday Parade
Today was also Palm Sunday and so a lot of churches had a parade into church. The Trinity Church congregation sang “Ride on Ride on in Majesty” as they paraded into church this morning holding palms made into crosses.

South Abingdon Litter Pick

South Abingdon Litter Pick
About 30 people took part in a big community litter pick in South Abingdon today. This picture was taken at the lunch break showing a group of lads who got involved in the project thanks to the Abingdon Bridge youth centre – whose leader is in red behind.
South Abingdon Litter Pick
PCSO Chris Cochlane organised the litter pick, and beside him is Neil and Linda Boston – who have been married 32 years today. Neil arranged for a team of Community Payback people to be involved and they did much of Saxton Road and Reynolds Way.
South Abingdon Litter Pick
Ray Ball who runs the Vineyard Church and the Friday South Abingdon youth club was also there. The area looks spick and span now.

Residents Parking Consultation

Residents Parking
In the town centre there is a residents parking scheme. Residents pay £100 a year and can park in the on-street parking spaces – some of which are reserved for residents only. Often in the evening and weekend there are none to be found.

The County Council has been consulting residents on their ideas for some additional spaces. See the map above.
Residents Parking
Two new on street parking places have already appeared up West St Helen Street – gaining back some of the 5-6 there before the Co-op was built.
Residents Parking
In previous consultations the proposed residents parking was put down on the left side of St Helen’s Court. This time the proposal is to allow parking next to the tapering cobbled pavement on the other side. This is a little controversial since some residents have carers who need to park and nip in for a few minutes. They couldn’t if all the spaces were used. So we shall see.

Town Council elections

Town Council Nominations
Listed on the Town Council notice board are the candidates standing for the 21 places on the Town Council (May 2011 to May 2015). The election takes place on the same day as the district council elections, and the referendum on the Alternative Voting System. That is May 5th.

I will be standing again, and hope to be re-elected. I attach a copy of my CV with a slightly different ending from that which will appear in our campaign leaflets. I will let you know on May 6th how it all went.