Monthly Archives: July 2010

New Town Shopping Map Launched

New Town Map launch
A new online map of Abingdon’s shops and businesses was launched today by the Abingdon Chamber of Commerce. (Sorry about the glare which means you can see the people at the launch and not the map itself.)

The young lad on the right is the web guru who made it all work, and the familiar face on the left, who runs Goffs the newsagents, did most of the data entry. I think they were working through the night to get it ready for today’s launch.
New Town Map
On the map you just click on a box to bring up the details. I clicked on E & R Goff in this example.

The web address is .

Fallen Trees

I saw a few broken branches underneath a horse chestnut tree and wondered whether somebody had been trying to bring down conkers much too early.

Then I saw more broken branches. It looked like vandalism …
Fallen Trees
Then I saw whole tree trunks… this fallen tree trunk was the other side of the River Thames.
Fallen Trees
This split willow was the other side of the River Ock.
Fallen Trees
The willow has already been cleared from the Ock Valley Walk.

But even though some of the evidence has been removed, there can only be one real suspect …

The wind.

After Lady McBeth

T & K Nails
Lady McBeth closed up shop about ten months ago. I am wearing my last pair of shoes from Lady McBeth, and they have not that much wear left in them.

A manicurist has just opened up in the shop at 1A West St Helen Street. It looks a highly technical operation: French manicures and spa pedicures. But they are not really my thing.

I used to get Dr Martin Shoes at Lady McBeth but will have to go further afield next time I need new pair: possibly to Clarkes, or Abingdon Shoes, or even as far as The Warehouse at Coxeter House.