While some of us have put away the lawnmower for the year, the volunteers at St Ethelwold’s continue clearing and replanting the garden in late November.
The peace pole (added early in 2024) stands near the flooded River Thames, a symbol of tranquillity in turbulent times.
There is usually a robin or two to be heard in the garden and if you are lucky they can be seen as well.
Can you believe it? Roses still blooming in late November!
Less surprising are the dried seed heads kept as much for their beauty as to reseed next year, like this honesty.
Today and tomorrow two hundred trees (already allotted) are being given out from St Ethelwold’s Garden as part of a tree growing initiative. They include: Hazel, Hawthorn, Wild Cherry, Wayfaring Tree, Spindle, Birch, Crab Apple, French Maple, Guelder Rose, and possibly others.
This weekend, there will be wreath-making workshops (already booked up). These festive creations will incorporate aromatic dried oranges and limes. All proceeds from the workshop will go towards an accessible toilet at St Ethelwold’s. The profits from the monthly coffee and cake events during 2024 also supported this project. However, in December the proceeds will go to the Abingdon Food Bank and Crisis at Christmas to help those in need at Christmas.
This series from St Ethelwold’s garden has been excellent. Thanks, Backstreeter!