Two Art Exhibitions in Abingdon this weekend

There were two art exhibitions this weekend in Abingdon. One exhibition in the Roysse Room took visitors on a journey through the art and craft created by Abingdon and Witney College’s part-time students. There was a colourful display, walls adorned with paintings and drawings, easels with canvasses, and central tables with more art, and craft.

This wasn’t just a showcase of individual works; it showed the styles from different tutors and courses, such as these from museum drawing at the Ashmolean.

There were newspapers with all the Abingdon and Witney part-time courses on offer, and people from the college to discuss the courses.

The other exhibition was the work of some local Abingdon artists in St Ethelwold’s Garden.

Most of the original art was in the larger River Room. Out on the lawn, under gazebos, cards and prints and a studio clear-out were for sale.

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