Abingdon 100 years ago – February 1921

5th February 1921
Abingdon 100 years ago
On Thursday evening in last week the local performers, under the title of the ‘ Cheerios,’ gave an excellent concert in the Corn Exchange, when the proceeds were given to the Abingdon Cottage Hospital. The programme included a Pierrot troupe in the first half. The second part of the programme consisted of various items, with a sketch, “The Registry Office,” a burlesque lecture on “Phrenology.” and a musical burlesque, “The Costar’s Outing.”, and merited the appreciation given by the large audience.

The annual meeting of the Abingdon Branch of the National Farmers’ Union was held at the Lion Hotel, Abingdon, last week, Mr P. Aldwinckle presiding. The accounts showed £122 4s 8d brought forward, and donations and subscriptions £152 9s 3d, the balance, after expenses, being £57 10s. The membership was stated to be 110 out of 132 farmers in the district. Aldwinckle retired from the chairmanship and Mr F. A May was elected in his place. Mr W. J. Cumber, chairman of the County Executive, gave an address.

The old established Philanthropic Institution has issued its report for the past year, and states that grants have been made from the funds in 13 cases. The subscription and donations were £32 12s, and there is a balance carried forward of 18s 6d. The investment account showed a total of £165 13s 5d.

At the County Bench, Joseph Gilbert, manager, and Emily Gilbert, manageress of ‘The Fish’ Inn Sutton Courtenay were summoned for allowing ‘nap’ to be played at the Inn. P.S. Painter and P.C Barrett said they saw a light in the house and listened outside and heard a woman’s voice say “Three and nap”. The defendant, Joseph Gilbert said that as it was his last night as manager, he had invited friends to a convivial farewell. Dismissed on payment of costs.

12th February 1921
Abingdon 100 years ago
The paper mills at Sandford-on-Thames near Abingdon are closed down and over 100 persons have been added to the list of unemployed. It is stated that German dumping and lack of credit is the cause.

The supplies at Abingdon Cattle Market on Monday included 22 fat beasts. 35 calves, 97 sheep, and 125 pigs. Prices remained firm.

It was stated in Supt. Foster’s annual report to the Licensing Justices that in Abingdon there were 38 fully licensed houses, 5 beer houses, 1 refreshment house, 5 grocer’s licenses, and 1 brewer’s retail, total 50, which was approximately one licensed house to every 136 inhabitants in the Borough. Convictions for drunkenness numbered 8 as against 4 the previous year The Superintendent mentioned that complaints had been made of allowing draws and sweepstakes on licensed premises, which was illegal, and he took this opportunity to warn license holders.

19th February 1921
Abingdon 100 years ago
The sum of £10 10s (corrected thanks to comment), the proceeds of a whist drive at the Roysse Room, Abingdon, has been forwarded to the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. (The N.S.P.C.C. investigated 3,207 complaints of neglect and cruelty in England, Ireland and Wales during the month of February 1921.)

At the Borough Police Court on Wednesday, James Gordon, 21, a dealer, was fined 12s 6d for being drunk and disorderly in Stert Street the previous night.

Frank English was charged with stealing from the Abingdon Corn Exchange a quantity of photographic lenses, the property of J.H.Viner. The prisoner had shown great interest in the lenses, and they were found by P.S Painter hidden behind a large telephone pole in Stert Street where the prisoner had been seen. The prisoner was then arrested and charged. Evidence was given as to the good character previously borne by the accused, who had served in the Army, was shell-shocked in an engagement at Messines in 1918, and had been in seven hospitals. The Bench bound the prisoner over to come for judgement under the Probation Act

26th February 1921
Abingdon 100 years ago
Roysse School, Abingdon held their annual steeplechases on Wednesday afternoon in last week. There were 30 entries for the senior and 14 boys under 14. A. J Newbury won the seniors’ race, about 1 3/4 miles in 11 min. 4secs., and A. W. Miles won the juniors’ race.

The annual meeting of the Abingdon Fire Brigade was held last week, Mr W. M. Coxeter presiding. The report stated that six calls had been received during the year, three of which were outside the Borough. The Corporation had supplied the Brigade with 600 feet of new hose. All the officers were re-elected.

The Abingdon Women’s Unionist Association held a social evening in the Corn Exchange on Wednesday in last week. Lady Norman presided, and there were also present: Lady Violet Henderson, Mrs Wigan, and Mr and Mrs A. T. Loyd. After a few short speeches capital entertainment was given, followed by a dance. Refreshments were served. The members of the Men’s Branch of the Association were invited.

At the County Bench, Donald Robert Sullivan and Charles Mills, residing at Steventon, motor drivers at the R. A.F. Milton Depot, were charged on remand with stealing from the Depot two pieces of white Japanese silk the value of £120. The material was stated to be of fine texture, the kind used for parachutes, and of the value of £1 per yard. A considerable amount of the silk, the police stated, had been recovered. It appeared from the evidence of P.S. Painter that he went to the Depot and saw the prisoner, Mills, who denied any knowledge of the silk. The next day P.S.D. Owen met Hills on the way to Abingdon, who said he wanted to make a clean breast of it. The defendants pleaded guilty and were sentenced to two months imprisonment without hard labour.

Thank you for the extracts to the Faringdon Advertiser and Vale of the White Horse Gazette on the British Newspaper Archive. Picture of the Pierrot troope is at Ashurt Hospital from the Oxford Illustrated Journal. The N.S.P.C.C advert was from 1924. The Punch Advert from the Oxford Chronicle. The Volunteer Fire Service from an old Post Card. They moved from Roysse old school yard to Bury Street in 1922.

3 thoughts on “Abingdon 100 years ago – February 1921

  1. Steve 2

    Glad to be of service to you, Backstreeter. I can’t believe that I remember decimalisation coming in and the fact that I’m the same age as old people.


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