Re-entering Lockdown and Epiphany

People were talking about going into Tier 5 after the dramatic rise in Covid-19 cases following the spread of the new strain. Instead of going through any more tiers the Prime Minister has announced that we are re-entering lockdown. Schools will be off from today. Many were off yesterday. At least schools will be a little better prepared for online lessons this time, but not everybody will be able to follow.
Most of the town center Christmas lights did not come on last night.

Today is Epiphany – celebrating the three wise men, or kings, visiting the infant Jesus. We still use the word epiphany for a sudden revelation. The Abingdon Share a Poem group will meet via Zoom and has the theme of Epiphanies. One poem they might read is God’s Grandeur by Gerald Manley Hopkins.
Our window has shown an epiphany scene since that start of advent. The materials to make the scene came from Prices the Stationer: black card for the figures, crepe paper for the desert and haloes, cellophane for the starry sky, and PVA glue to stick it to the window.
The crepe paper is loosing its colour due to condensation, and two of the wise men have slid down. Later today or tomorrow we will take it down.

1 thought on “Re-entering Lockdown and Epiphany

  1. PPJS

    Thanks for the note about Epiphany , which marks three appearances: to the wise men, at the Baptism by John, at the wedding at Cana with the water into wine.

    I like your window display.


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