In Town Today – Market Place, Hedgehogs, and Country Market

Leaves are turning red on the Market Place. Lots of people were out in the open, drinking coffee.
Hedgehogs were this weeks cause for the XR Abingdon group. The group will be promoting a number of causes in coming weeks and months. Several small changes in people’s behaviour add up to a big change.

They were giving away bags of hedgehog food and information about how to help hedgehogs. To avoid the danger of roads, hedgehogs need to move between back gardens. They suggested opening holes under fences – big enough for hedgehogs to squeeze through.
Abingdon Country Market have moved their market to the yard outside the Salvation Army – rather than inside. They had a one way system, and track and trace. 

I was not the only photographer taking pictures. Somebody thought the other chap was doing the Abingdon Blog. He has actually been taking pictures of Abingdon much longer than me. They are very good. One day we may see more.

9 thoughts on “In Town Today – Market Place, Hedgehogs, and Country Market

  1. Janet

    When we moved to Abingdon we used to see lots of hedgehogs in the garden. Lately we have not seen one. It is very sad when we see young hedgehogs killed on roads.

    1. Hester

      Yes Tim – there was so much fuss when they were planted, but they are coming on well now and are beautiful at this time of year.

      1. Daniel

        I think the fuss was because the very small trees (at the time) were rumoured to have cost £18000. If the very small trees really did cost £4500 each then it seemed a reasoned amount of fuss.

        But there’s no denying that they do look lovely.

  2. DavidofRugby

    You know a radical organisation has been infiltrated by the middle aged and middle class when they move from planning barricade and civil unrest to giving away hedgehog food.

      1. John Styles

        I chatted to one of them and showed him my photos of local hedgehogs, there were a decent number here in the Long Furlong estate when we got our first dog in the mid 90s, then the number decreased but was up again a couple of years ago to what it was originally if not higher, haven’t seen so many in the last couple of years but I think that’s due to walking the current dog at different times and more in the countryside than the estate as he prefers that.

  3. Tim

    When a baricade needs to be planted and a politician or CEO needs to be reminded of their social responsibility, it will be done.
    Meanwhile, the Climate Crisis will not be solved by a few people doing everything. What will make a real difference is everybody doing something, that might be supporting local endangered wildlife, it might be supporting endangered wildlife elsewhere, it might be any number of other approaches.
    Or we can bury our head in the sand and wait for the crisis to consume us.

    1. Daniel

      hmm…i think it WILL be solved by a few people doing everything, at least make a massive dent in it. It just has to be the right few people.


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