Scythes not strimmers at the Abbey Fishponds

Abbey Fishponds
The Abbey Fishponds is a small wetland nature reserve that runs between Radley Road and Audlett Drive in Abingdon, with houses either side.
Abbey Fishponds
The wetland part is made of ponds, seasonal ponds, sedges, reedbeds, and a brook that runs from end to end.
Abbey Fishponds
The Earth Trust is now responsable for the reserve, having taken over from BBOWT a couple of years ago. This week The Earth Trust roving Wildlife Wednesday event took place at the Abbey Fishponds. It was a chance to look for local wildlife and have lots of outdoor fun.
Abbey Fishponds
In the centre of the site is an embankment, known locally as ‘Daisy Bank’, which gave the idea that these could have been Abbey Fishponds.
Abbey Fishponds
On the first Saturday of the month a team of volunteers help to look after the area, and I believe they will be out from about 10:30, although you can check if interested. They will be using scythes not strimmers.

By the way June 1st is the start of the Oxford Festival of Nature. And the Worldwide City Daily Photo have their June 1st Theme Day on Nature.

2 thoughts on “Scythes not strimmers at the Abbey Fishponds

  1. ppjs

    Scythes not strimmers. Do you mean to say that you can cut grass quietly?

    What a strange idea! You’ll be telling me next that you can eat in a restaurant without having to have access to your mobile phone.

    What will you think of next?


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