Abingdon has been turning pink in preparation for the annual Splash of Pink Day organised by Against Breast Cancer – an Abingdon based charity.
Shops joined in by competing in the shop window competition…
Third place went to Rosie’s Tea room,
Second place to Robert Stanley,
The winner’s award was presented at the end of a day of activities on the Market Place.
As always, the cup cake stall was very popular, as was the design a cup-cake stall.
The weather could not have been nicer in late September. You could feel the force at times, and people were just throwing £5 and £10 notes into the collecting buckets.
Otto (pictured above), and Harvey, search dogs from Buckinghamshire, came to let people know that they are trained to locate missing persons.
There was music from the group BMW, Abingdon Operatic, Abbey Sax, and Abingdon Community Choir.
Entertainment also included Ashnah Tribal belly dancers …
TheFlyin’ Aces street dancers, Strawberry Fayre Majorettes …
and Mr Hemmings Traditional Abingdon Morris dancers. There were also appearances from some well known cartoon characters who look much bigger in real life.
Having danced round Daleks earlier in the year, Traditional Abingdon Morris Dancers danced round Storm Troopers, from Star Wars, on this occasion. The sky is the limit as far as they are concerned.
And the prize for the shop window competition went to …
Masons, for their double front shop at 20 and 22 Bath Street.
I thought it was Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers who danced around the Dalek earlier in the year? Backstreeter should know of the wrath that can be incurred by mixing those two sides up.
Riots have begun for less.
Oops! Thanks David. I have made a quick change to the text and hope nobody else noticed.