Monthly Archives: June 2017

Mayor of Ock Street 2017

The date is June 19th 1700. A line has been drawn in the dust of the Vineyard alongside the brewery. Another line has been drawn at the top of Ock Street near the Square. The people of Abingdon have just enjoyed ox roasted on the Market Place. A famous battle then ensued between the men of the Vineyard and the men of Ock Street for the ox. The combat was fierce as each side fought to bring the ox over their own line. Legend has it that the Vineyard men had nearly succeeded when a man named Hemmings crashed an apple wood cudgel on the head of a Vineyard opponent, cut the ox head from the carcass with a sword, and made it back to the Ock Street Line.
Mayor of Ock Street
Those same horns were on display again 317 years later on a glorious Saturday in 2017 – the nearest Saturday to the original June 19th, when there is a day of morris dancing.
Mayor of Ock Street
The president of the Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers is still a Hemmings, namely Mr Ewart Hemmings. His Uncle was the famous Mayor of Ock Street, Tom Hemmings, and his Grandfather was Henry Hemmings – also Mayor of Ock Street.
Mayor of Ock Street
The Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers, with a visiting team from Oxford, danced at many venues along Ock Street and in the town centre, including a new stop outside the Broad Face.
Mayor of Ock Street
After dancing round a tree planted in honour of former bagman, Tony Russell, at the almshouses,
Mayor of Ock Street
they went to another new stop where free beer was provided by Pam, and danced there too.
Mayor of Ock Street
Meanwhile the poll to elect the 2017 Mayor of Ock Street was taking part all day. All people living or working down Ock Street have a vote.
Mayor of Ock Street
The count took place at the Brewery Tap, officiated over by the Town Clerk, the Mayor of Abingdon, and Mr Ewart Hemmings.
Mayor of Ock Street
Roger Cox graciously conceded to Harry Knight who had got double the amount of votes – 61 to 122 . Roger will continue in the role of the fool for the next year, having been Mayor every year from 2007 and 2013.
Mayor of Ock Street
The Mayor of Abingdon, Cllr Jan Morter, presented the Mayor of Ock Street with the sash of office, sword, top hat, and the applewood bowl, whose wood dealt the legendary blow in 1700.
Mayor of Ock Street
Mr Harry Knight was then carried in honour down Ock Street by his men. He has been elected in 2014, 2016, and 2017.

Big Weekend Forecast for Abingdon

Big Weekend
Saturday 17th June is the day when the residents and businesses of Ock Street elect a mock mayor for the next year… The results of the election can be heard some time after 4:15pm outside the Brewery Tap. The new Mayor is then paraded down Ock Street. Throughout the day morris dancing can be seen in and near the town centre, and down Ock Street.

Also on Saturday is the Trinity Church Fair from 10 to 12:30, and the St Edmunds School Fair 12:30 – 15:30.
Big Weekend
And on Sunday the great get together in honour of Jo Cox takes place at St Ethelwold’s House 12:00 to 3:00.

Flood protection wall at St Helen’s Mill

Flood protection wall
Work on the flood alleviation scheme at St Helen’s Mill in Abingdon has begun. A low wall alongside the River Ock is being built to protect the ground floor flats. The work is partly paid for by the district council, and organised by the Environment Agency.
Flood protection wall
Water from the River Ock has reached as far as St Helen’s Mill on a number of occasions, and in 2007 the floods surrounded the building. Since then the little bridge has been removed as it was thought to impede the flow, and St Helen’s Mill was tanked a few feet under the ground and about a meter above.

June Flowers

June Flowers
There are lots of June flowers among the grasses of Barton Fields alongside the Sustrans Cycle Way. Somebody has put in equidistant stakes in the ground as part of a butterfly counting study – the email address is Exeter University.
June Flowers
The area has been looked after by the Abingdon Naturalists’ Society since 1999. Their website says “97% of our lowland native wildflower meadows have disappeared since the 1950’s which has sent many of our wild bee and butterflies dependent upon them into a steep decline.
June Flowers
So we began our native wildflower meadow restoration at Barton Fields in 2009 to aid their recovery.
June Flowers
Nearby, clumps of brambles are in flower, and they too attract a lot of bees
June Flowers
and butterflies.