Monthly Archives: December 2016

Country Market and Christmas Pudding

Country Market
Yesterday the Country Market were in the Day Centre in the Charter.

You had to get there fairly early to buy one of their Christmas ‘Figgy’ Puddings. They don’t actually contain figs but are full of raisins, currants and brandy.

When the last one was gone there was no use singing ‘I won’t go until I get some‘.
Country Market
The Country Market are there on the 2nd Saturday of each month – next one is Saturday 14th January 2017.

Harmony Inspires this morning in Abingdon

Harmony Inspires
In Abingdon this morning, Harmony InSpires, a female a cappella chorus sang. They sang at the far end of Bury Street, and when the rain got heavier they sang under the museum.
Harmony Inspires
Finally they were invited by the new manager of Wildwood Kitchen to use her covered area. She has been there three days and has exciting plans for the business.

Here is a video with extracts from 4 of their harmonies. You could even join them and learn to Sing in four part harmony a cappella style at 7:30-10.00pm on Wednesday 8th, 15th, & 22nd February 2017 at Appleton Village Hall. For more information see

Guildhall Quotes considered by Town Council

Guildhall Quotes
There was a meeting this evening of Abingdon-on-Thames Guildhall Committee to consider the quotes tendered by companies for redeveloping the Guildhall.

The guildhall closed for re-development at the end of 2015. Planning permission and a final public consultation on the plans happened in the summer of 2016, and quotes have been requested based on the plans

The major features of the plans include a cafe area with ground floor access, a multi functional hall with cinema equipment. The old concrete ramps front and back will be removed, and internal access improved.