Monthly Archives: August 2014

Visit to a Museum in Salisbury

Over the years regiments have been amalgamated. The Royal Berkshire Regiment, in which a lot of Abingdon men served, eventually became The Rifles – along with several other county named regiments.
Royal Berkshire Regiment
The museum that holds the collections for two of those regiments: the Royal Berkshire Regiment, and Wiltshire Regiment, is in Salisbury in Wiltshire, and is called The Wardrobe.
Royal Berkshire Regiment
There are probably more Wiltshire, than Berkshire, exhibits on display but given the location within view of Salisbury Cathedral that is understandable.
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Just inside the entrance there are some army banners. Next to one Royal Berkshire Regiment banner a label says “Following the Opium War of 1841, the 49th Regiment (later the Royal Berkshire) was authorised to wear the Dragon and the word ‘China’ emblazoned with its colours.”
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Not on display, but viewable on their web site, the museum have some pictures of Abingdon soldiers, and people, that can be ordered. There are some of of an early “Abingdon contingent assembling on Abingdon Railway station on route to their war time station after the start of the 1st World War.”

Cake Stall, Stroke Club and Football Season Begins

Today in Abingdon
A group of children, with their mums, had a stall selling cakes, and drinks, next to the Abbey Close Car Park. The money is to help the children of Syria + Gaza!
Today in Abingdon
The Stroke Club were in town raising money for people who have suffered a stroke.
Today in Abingdon
They are not there to provide ‘Tea and Sympathy’. They provide ‘Beer and empathy’ and mutual support. They want to help fellow stroke victims regain their life after the devastating experience, and they meet at The College Oak Pub on Peachcroft.
Today in Abingdon
The Football season kicked off today at ‘The Northcourt’ where the fans, as always, were very vocal. They gave the ref a hard time, singing “You don’t know what you are doing” after one penalty appeal was turned down. They also made loud siren noises every time the trainer was called on.
Today in Abingdon
The game ended in a 0-0 draw between Abingdon United and Newbury.

A Pizza Hut A Pizza Hut

A Pizza Hut A Pizza Hut
The former China Diner on Ock Street, just opposite Domino’s, is to become a Pizza Hut.

Just need a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Abingdon to complete the Fast Food Song …

I think we learned the song when our daughter went to Rainbows at Abingdon Baptist Church, or it could have been from Brownies at Saxton Road Community Centre.