Category Archives: boats

Marina Park – without wellies

Marina Park
This is the first time that I have been down to the Marina Park for quite some time.
Marina Park
I see on the Marina web site that “Abingdon Marina is the only off river marina with floating pontoons upstream of Reading” and that “we are only 4 days hard cruising from the tidal reaches of the Thames.”
Marina Park
There is a tree down in the park, and the paths are a little slippy. But after much of the winter under water it is now walkable without wellies.

It is one of the locations I usually get pictures of the Head of the River Rowing, which this year is on April 6th. There are 4 divisions with a maximum of 90 boats in each …
Division 1 – 09.30
Division 2 – 11.45
Division 3 – 14.00
Division 4 – 16.15

Dragon Boats 2013

Dragon Boats 2013
Thanks to Peter for sending me this picture of one of the more colourful teams at today’s Dragon Boats racing.

Dragon Boats 2013
Not everybody gets the paddling quite right on their first run but over time the technique improves and times get better. There were 16 teams this year at the annual Dragon Boat races, and the fastest 4 after the heats went through to the final.
Dragon Boats 2013
The event is run by Abingdon Rotary Vesper. The money they raise helps finance some of their projects, such as Shelter Box – used to bring essential life saving support.

Individual teams also raise money for their own good causes. Kemp and Kemp, who are currently redeveloping 1-3 Ock Street, had a team, and were raising money for The Abingdon Bridge Youth Charity.
Dragon Boats 2013
The Mayor presented the prizes to the winners later in the day, but I got a picture of the Deputy Mayor, there around lunchtime. She had a cork umbrella which was needed as there were showers. There was also a stall selling tea shirts made from bamboo. Neither the cork umbrella or bamboo tea shirts felt at all wooden after clever processing.
Dragon Boats 2013
Dragon Boat racing moved from May to September last year because the River Thames was too high in May. It takes them at least 6 months to apply for things such as licenses so there was not time to plan for May this year either. So it could be always September now.

Boat Spotting

Spotted on the River Thames
Green Boat Services were moored near St Helen’s Wharf this morning, taking a rest between helping other boats.
Spotted on the River Thames
Lady Ethel arrived at around 11:15 and left soon after taking a load of people upstream to Oxford. I was asked by some customers how to get to the landing so directed them through the Upper Reaches carpark.
Spotted on the River Thames
A rather elegant rowing boat, moored up by the Upper Reaches last night ,left a few minutes later, heading downstream towards Culham.
Spotted on the River Thames
‘This England’ motored up under Abingdon Bridge having refueled at one of Abingdon’s two refueling places.

Also had a shouted exchange with to the captain of Dylan Thomas, the troubled poet, and stood for a while next to Cloud Cuckoo.