Category Archives: advertising

And then there were none

miniature snowmen
Outside the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon miniature snowmen have been left to their fate. The first one to melt appears to have been dosed with red food dye.
miniature snowmen
By the next day the three in the centre had got frizzled by the sun.
miniature snowmen
There was a message near the snowmen which read ’20-23 June @ Unicorn Theatre’ .

As Agatha Christie said in one of her books, ‘And then there were none .’

Abingdon Ghost Signs

Thanks to Captain Chaos for these Abingdon Ghost Signs, and background information.
Ghost Signs
The first sign is the old Hygienic Laundry on the corner of Wilsham Road.
Ghost Signs
Second is on the side of the house to the right of the entrance of Sydenham’s (ex Fred Knights), on Ock Street, and says ‘H Giles the builder’. At one time this house was a small shop run by Dick and Dolly, relatives of the Fitchetts who operated a Rag & Bone yard just across the road. The yard has gone, replaced by houses aptly named Fitchett yard.
Ghost Signs
The third is Brake Bros, seed and corn merchants. They operated in the yard at the back of the chip shop (once Dick Reeves) in an old garage that was once a coach company.
Ghost Signs
The fourth is clear to see. Edward street was famous as the only street in the world where there was day and night at the same time. Day’s the Baker at one end and Knights D.I.Y at the other.
Ghost Signs
Finally, the wording is badly faded but from memory it depicted the businesses of: P.L Barrett the undertaker, Pollards the plumbers, and E H Enoch’s coal merchants? It’s on the corner of Conduit road and Ock St.

Street Advertising in Abingdon – How times have changed

There was a time, not so long ago (probably about 5-6 years), when the Vale of White Horse District Council had a strict policy towards roadside advertising, and local organisations did not feel they could promote their events effectively to passing traffic.

Now the policy seems far more lenient.
Street Advertising in Abingdon
The road barrier, left in place because of troubles with the River Stert Culvert underneath, has become the temporary town noticeboard.
Street Advertising in Abingdon
You cannot have missed there and elsewhere that Sweet Charity by Abingdon Operatic Society is on this week. The musical at the Amey Theatre follows a dancer through the night clubs of New York in search of love, and includes well known songs such as: ‘Big Spender’, ‘The Rhythm Of Life’ and ‘If My Friends Could See Me Now’.
Street Advertising in Abingdon
The system works well enough so long as events are local and are removed soon afterwards – not always the case: Mad Up Reunion in Reading back in May is still up at the end of October on Stratton Way.