Abingdon becomes a two parish town

The Church of England Commissioners have approved the scheme to restructure the Parish of Abingdon, creating two parishes where there was one.
Abingdon is a two parish town
Christ Church is the Parish Centre for the newly created Parish of North Abingdon, to which Christ Church Long Furlong, and the Anglican part of The Peachcroft Christian Centre belong.Abingdon is a two parish town
The newly created Parish of Abingdon-on-Thames comprises St Helens, St Nicolas and St Michael. These churches, to my perception, are more traditional while those in the north are more evangelical.

Discussion, consultation, and negotiation began back in 2007 to divide the parish of Abingdon in two.
Abingdon is a two parish town
The red line on the map shows to which church parish you now belong in a parochial council electoral voting sense. But there is no problem going to any church you like. You can even go to Oxford Cathedral if you like.

11 thoughts on “Abingdon becomes a two parish town

  1. OJB

    Carol, do you mean traditional or victorian?!? You can’t get much more traditional than a church that tries to model the church in Acts…. 😉

  2. John

    Congratulations. At a time when we hear so much about falling numbers and when so much scorn is heaped on people of faith, it is joyful news that the church in Abingdon is growing and spreading. Good luck to the two new parishes and hurray for all the great work done by regular churchgoers of all ages, from food banks, hospital visiting, youth work and mother-and-toddler groups, to promoting artists and musicians, welcoming visitors and comforting and encouraging colleagues and others they meet in their daily working lives.

  3. Peter Del

    We already have a local airport, Oxford London! Airport, which, until last week, had passenger services to Dublin and Edinburgh; now there are none.
    Perhaps it could be expanded?
    Peter Del

  4. john billinton

    Yes that was a terrible shame,I suspect they had not paid their fuel bill,judging by the vechicle parked
    right next to the aircraft as it was trying to depart for Dublin,with passengers on board,see Oxford Mail
    article last week,Maybe Flybe will take an interest
    with their big aircraft fleet.and European routes,lets keep our fingers crossed.John Billinton.

  5. Native

    I’m lost? Rudi so few words but spot on. You made me chuckle. Good luck to anyone who has a hobby wether its banger racing, night clubbing or a book club that just reads one very old book and meets up for a sing song on a sunday. if it brings people together its all good.


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