Christmas Extravaganza 2012

The Christmas Extravaganza, organised by the Abingdon-on-Thames Chamber of Commerce, was a little different this year. Usually it is on Thursday or Tuesday and is an evening affair. This year it was moved to Saturday and went on all day with the finale of fireworks at 6pm.
For some people the Extravaganza began early at 6 am (the core helpers), but for most of us it began at around 11 am with the Parade.
Then through the day there was much happening in the Market Place
Roysse Court became a farm yard for the day.
In the Guildhall there was a Craft Fair. The man in the foreground makes bicycles and sculptures from wire – Garry Curran Wire Sculpture.
In St Nic’s Church there were stalls and performances throughout the day – at 2 am was the Abingdon Community Orchestra.
The day culminated in the turning on of the Christmas Lights at 5:45. For once they were not turned on by a celebrity but by the winner of the best dressed angel competition.
It was still early and mild enough for lots of families to enjoy the excellent fireworks. Often because of coldness or lateness families have left before the fireworks.

(There will be more about the Extravaganza tomorrow when I have a few pictures of Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy and some of the people they met and places they visited in Abingdon and how Iggle Piggle seemed scared of dogs.)

14 thoughts on “Christmas Extravaganza 2012

  1. Spyrotechnics

    It was a huge pleasure to have the opportunity to provide the fireworks this year for such a well organised event. I hope our display did not disappoint! Well done all involved.

  2. Cassandra

    It was a fantastic day. Many thanks to all of the people who obviously worked so hard to make it a success. Community events such as this make me pleased to have moved to this great little town.
    The decorated shop windows (12 Days of Christmas) were superb……Come on Abingdonians, support these local shops who try so hard to make shopping a pleasurable experiience!!.

  3. Kelly Simpson

    It was a fabulous day, real festive spirit. Bustling shops, local charities to be helped, and something to entertain all day. Much better than in an evening, and must have taken a huge amount of organising. So thank you.

  4. Abingdon Chamber

    I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone that has helped make the Extravaganza 2012 a big sucess. Work started back in January to make yesterday happen. Lots of different people & organisations were involved & without them none of it would have been possible.

  5. Abingdon resident

    We watched the fireworks with a bird’s eye view – from upstairs at home. The display was fantastic, some really unusual fireworks and some unusual colours (lilac). Thanks.

  6. Spyrotechnics

    @ Abingdon resident

    We take a good deal of time to carefully select our products from manufacturers in both China and Europe. There were some very unique shells in there!

  7. mooncalf

    It was an absolutely amazing day. Congratulations to everyone involved!

    I especially enjoyed the fireworks. If anyone wathces the video look out for the smiley face ones around 3:37!

  8. coggin

    Loved the fireworks, good choice and very loud. Shops look good, be nice when they are finished, any word yet if anybody will take up residents in the empty ones?

  9. shop owner

    I have seen coxeter house is up for let that is another shop that bites the dust . Whats the point of building more shops you do not use the ones you got like i have said no shops no work and then lower house prices you have been warned .

  10. Ybuynu

    We did not want to miss anything and was so exited we shut our shop from 2pm – 6pm so we could join in ha ha . great fireworks and lovely atmosphere lets do it every weekend 🙂 .


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