Somebody did tell me that Sunday was expected to be a deluge and they were right. But everything went ahead on Jubilee Sunday and we saw some of the character that makes our country great.
Abingdon’s largest Jubilee Street Party went ahead. I hope they others managed as well.
With no traffic coming along High Street the bus shelter made a good shelter for this group from Lombard Street.
In fact all the bus shelters got well used.
The dignatories had no such cover I’m afraid. The Mayor underwent three drenching during the day: at the Street Party, at the Bun Throw, and at the Prom in the Park.
It was not just English people. This marque had people from several different countries, and they were letting people try their foods.
All of these people came over from Abingdon Virginia showing that all Abingdonians have what it takes.
Some people had charity stalls, such as the Friends of Abingdon Community Hospital.
And although a number of trade stalls were booked I think only the one turned up. So they deserve a special mention. Wood Turning specialist Vallis Green. He will be back near Christmas.
There were too many to mention who braved the rain and made a Jubilee party in the rain to celebrate the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.