Snow and Ice and a little creative thinking

Snow and Ice
I wondered whether I would be able to get to work when the snow was falling. The on line forecast predicted snow before midnight on Thursday, lessening overnight, then getting very cold by Friday night… So far the forecast has been spot on.
Snow and Ice
By Friday morning the snow had stopped and public transport seemed to be running to time – possibly not the wrong sort of snow, or possibly we are getting better at it.
Snow and Ice
Friday night did turn very cold and icicles had formed above the weir this morning (Saturday).
Snow and Ice
I’d love to see a few inches of water left in the outdoor pool for times like these so it could open as an ice rink. The idea is probably not feasible but it would be good to see the area being used out of the swimming season in other ways.
Snow and Ice
Another recent idea that somebody suggested for the Diamond Jubilee, which got into the Herald, was to move Queen Victoria back to the Market Place. A well placed piece of art there would be good. Maybe something called the Bun Throwers or Bun Catchers would do.
Snow and Ice
Work has now started in earnest on the land behind the Abbey Gardens to build the care home. A large drill has been operating there.

Another recent idea to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee, that made the Herald front page, was a bandstand. This has long been suggested by the leader of one of Abingdon’s two brass bands, and the people in the care home would get free entertainment.

9 thoughts on “Snow and Ice and a little creative thinking

  1. Pete

    Abingdon is one of a number of towns to have moved their Queen Vic statue to somewhere a bit less prominent, Newbury is one. Lets not waste any money bringing the lumpen troll back any closer to the centre where we might have to look at it.

  2. David

    The statue of Queen Victoria was moved to a suitable place I think making a good statue for that park. I think it better to leave the market square clear for markets and events.

  3. Old Ghost

    It would be slightly mean to move Queen Vic back for Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee wouldn’t it? That said with a couple of minor alterations maybe the good Queen Vic could be altered to a bun catcher, or, with sophisticated mechanics, a bun throwing automata, say every hour? Certainly most other market towns don’t have a bun dispensing royal lumpen troll statue. 🙂

    Could it be funded by the oil prospecters who have obviously fooled you all into thinking they are building a care home?

    Bandstand would be great tho’.

  4. Steve

    A bandstand would be great. I think it’d help draw people to the Abbey area. The abbey area is one of the nicest parts of Abingdon and is not used as much as it should be.

  5. davidofabingdon

    As my family will tell you, I hate spending money with nothing at the end to show for it. Although personally I would not use a bandstand much, I think it is of general benefit to the town (so long as it is well maintained), and I would be much more comfortable spending money on this rather than moving a statue or funding a long weekend party.


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