Over the four day, double bank holiday, weekend the sun shone constantly once the Royal Wedding was over. Boats could be hired from The Abingdon Boat Centre on Nags Head Island.
Abbey Meadows golf and tennis facilities were also open over the weekend, with either crazy golf
or pitch and putt. As you may remember back in January, the Vale District Council was looking for possible savings given the reduced grant from central government and the golf and tennis was put forward as a possibility. So it is good to see the golf saved.
Great to see that the pitch & putt was saved – well done to all concerned with saving that facility !
‘Cuts’ and ‘savings’. Those are the buzz words of all local council at the moment.
I’ll put another couple of words in the pot; public benefit. Simple really, a person pays their tax and expects something in return.
I look upon the crazy golf and pitch and putt as public benefit.
Great that the Crazy Golf was saved. We had a re-play of it before the Bun Throwing.
The Crazy Golf needs to have some felt layed on it, then it would be great fun to play.
Photos of our visit to the Abbey Meadows Crazy Golf course before the Bun Throwing last week:
Prior to the World Bun Throwing Championships on Saturday we headed to the Abbey Grounds for a look around and a game of Crazy Golf.
The course has been painted since our last visit and looked nice and bright with the red and white paint job.
The course would play much better and more smoothly if it was felted.
You can see some photos from our minigolf match at http://hamandeggerfiles.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/day-out-of-bun-throwing-crazy-golf-and.html