New Chinese Motors in Abingdon

The City Daily Photo group’s theme for February is “Motors”.

Here in Abingdon, only one motor car dealership sells new motors. A few years ago, I could have bought a new Vauxhall at Bellingers and Fiat or Ford at Hartwell. Bellingers has since moved to nearby Didcot, and the models at Hartwell have changed. They still sell Fords but have introduced some new models: GWM, OMODA and JAECOO.

GWM, or Great Wall Motor, is one of China’s leading car makers. OMODA and JAECOO are new brands, both subsidiaries of Chery, another Chinese car maker.

Vehicles destined for the UK market are made in Chinese factories. However, Chery are preparing to make cars in Spain to avoid EU tariffs, with the UK under consideration for another factory. See

7 thoughts on “New Chinese Motors in Abingdon

  1. Badger

    Bellingers no longer have their branch at Milton gate near Didcot and just operate from Grove now. Also they no longer sell Vauxhall cars just Isuzu and Subaru.

  2. Janet

    This is why the UK is in recession. The country has got rid of all its manufacturing. We used to have the carpet factory, Pavlova Leather and the M G factory in Abingdon. They have all gone. China wants to flood countries with their cars.

  3. Colin

    Oh Janet’s been triggered again! China wants to flood countries with their cars…….China wants to be a dominant economic force by manufacturing products and exporting them at competitive pricing. Kinda the same as every other country

  4. Badger

    Importing is equally bad if not worse. Lol!

    Either way it’s a trap. Balance is required whatever/wherever that is.

  5. Kris

    Nice to see that we have a (hopefully more) affordable choice of leccy cars that aren’t the decidedly toxic Teslas (Or as they are now more colloquially known – Swasti-cars)

    The other major car brands have nice electric vehicles but they are also very expensive and still out of the price range of many.

    A China built electric car is really no big deal, especially since people have already been very happily buying Chinese and Asian manufactured iPhones for many years – all of our phones are made in Asia. If people were even remotely concerned about security they’d not buy phones, and if they were concerned about cheaper products and services eliminating our local business they would not shop at Amazon, and if they were concerned about online data they wouldn’t use any internet services, apps or sites that don’t have data servers in the UK. Those boats have all already sailed.


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