Continuing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: More Abingdon Groups Share Their Work

Following on from the Monday and Tuesday blog reports, Wednesday to Friday introduced more groups to tell us about their work in Abingdon.

Wednesday: Revd David Masters from Peachcroft Christian Centre introduced Tanya from Homes for Good. Tanya’s talk focused on the importance of fostering and adoption with the goal of reducing the number of children in care. She shared her personal experiences as a foster parent and provided information about the charity’s work.

(By the way, Saturday 25th January is Burns Night and Peachcroft Christian Centre have a Burns Night Supper and Quiz.)

Thursday: Ellie Ball, a pastor at the Abingdon Vineyard Church (who meet at Preston Road Community Centre), introduced Victoria from The Archway Foundation. The Archway Foundation host social groups for people experiencing isolation and loneliness in Abingdon (at 35 Ock Street) and Oxford. They also provide telephone befriending and other services. Founded in the 1980s, the foundation relies on volunteers who donate their time to listen and offer companionship.

Friday: Revd Dr AKM Adam introduced speakers from two Abingdon organisations that give sanctuary. Berny represented Open Doors, an initiative that developed out of the government’s warm spaces program in January 2023. Open Doors provides a safe and welcoming space for people to meet at Our Lady and St Edmunds Parish Hall.

Fiona represented the Abingdon Compassionate Cafe, a new initiative at St Ethelwold’s House that offers a safe space for people to meet who are bereaved or have a difficult diagnosis or are caring for a loved one near the end of life.

And finally for this week, there was an inter-church quiz at Abingdon Baptist Church on Friday night which Abingdon Baptist Church won.

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