Power Cut Affects Preston Road Community Centre

A power cut affected the Preston Road Community Centre yesterday, May 22nd, 2024. The lights and other electrical systems went out at 2:09 PM. The centre contacted electricians who confirmed the issue wasn’t internal but a wider power cut.

They then reported the outage to Scottish Power. They confirmed that the power cut affected several properties in the area. Unfortunately, the power went out again at 10:06 PM, causing further disruption.

Contractors are currently working on Turner Road to replace a blown underground cable joint, the likely cause of the power cut. Scottish Power estimates that repairs will be completed by 4:00 PM today, May 23rd.

Thanks to our roving reporter for keeping everyone informed.

During this outage, Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, announced there will be a General Election on July 4th.

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