Despite the lack of real snow, artificial snow added a touch of winter magic to the scene of the Christmas Extravaganza.
It was cold enough for snow. The cold made me feel sorry for the stallholders who stood out all day from 9 am to 4 pm. On Bath Street, there were a mix of festive stalls, stalls seen at the local excellence markets, community groups, and children’s fair rides.
There were also performers on Bath Street, and donkeys from the donkey sanctuary
At noon, there was a parade led by the Oxford Caledonian Pipe & Drum Band. The parade featured a number of the youngsters, and performers from the day.
The Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council came near the end of the parade,
followed by Father Christmas and some of his elves.
There were some stalls on Bury Street. The community shop in Bury Street had Christmas craft activities for children.
A lorry provided the main box stage on the Market Place, near which sponsors had their gazebos, as well as food and drink stalls.
Town Council staff worked on the lights until the last minute, even stringing up lights on the real tree as the Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers performed. The contractor who was due to set up the lights on the Christmas Tree was hit by a drunk driver, while on their previous job, and is now in hospital. The Town Council pulled out all the stops to get the lights up.
At 6 pm the lights were successfully turned on, and instead of the much complained about real fireworks of last year, Katy Ellis with her Katy Perry Tribute Show sang Firework and other songs.
The new tree in Roysse Court looks much better now that it’s lit. Abingdon Town Council organises the lights.
The Abingdon Events Partnership organised this and many other events in Abingdon.
A brilliant day. Well done to everyone involved. Great to see the town so busy and people enjoying themselves.
I enjoyed this, and could see lots of other people having fun as well, despite the cold.
I wanted to check the programme beforehand and thought I’d look at the events section of the town council website. Nothing! (Except a Christmas market at St Helens and the sewing rapair cafe.) Not even a link to the Extravganza’s web site which, to be fair, I found easily by googling.
I’m not quite sure why the council bothers having an events page when they can’t be bothered to update it to include their own events.
Strictly speaking it isn’t the council’s event, other than the lights, but I agree with your sentiment about updating and including events.
Blog Hijack!
Fresh off The Guardian’s presses this evening:
Thames Water … could they be trusted with a mega-reservoir project?
Thanks to everyone who visited Bath Street to meet the team behind next year’s Abingdon Air and Country Show scheduled for May 18th