Abingdon Bridge traffic light holdups

I made a little video to show how the Abingdon Bridge traffic lights are causing problems. This was taken about 5 pm on a Friday. Traffic coming over the bridge from Culham often impedes traffic coming out of Abingdon. . The Abits system (implemented in 2007) was designed to hold traffic outside the centre for air quality reasons, but that has broken down because of the Abingdon Bridge traffic lights. The traffic fumes along Stert Street are a danger to public health.

The video is blurred to hide number plates.

5 thoughts on “Abingdon Bridge traffic light holdups

  1. Chris

    It really is getting silly now – presumably it is only a matter of time before the bridge is closed entirely to vehicles now that twice as much traffic is on the west side of the bridge. If you added up all the wasted fuel and time the bridge repairs could have been paid for many times over.

    1. Daniel

      agreed, the bicycles jumping the lights aren’t impeded at all, and indeed the temporary lights don’t seem to affect people on the pavement at all.

      with regards ABITs, remember, the various councils all implemented it after they paid for a consultant to advise on the SCOOT traffic management system that was designed to never work in a town like Abingdon. Fortunately we got lumbered with a “Traffic solution” that would never work. The council paid for it out of the public purse, the decision makers were unelected officers, and the consultants got a big pay day.

      Kudos all round!

      1. Tim

        You’re right about the consultants and the abysmal SCOOT system.
        No evidence any cycles jumping lights in this video only making progress past many stationary cars which I’d bet are less than half full.
        SCOOT was never going to be the answer to Abingdons traffic problems and nor is anything else unless and until there is recognition that the root is too many cars, making too many journeys because viable alternatives are being ingnored or are not available.

  2. Daniel

    Couldn’t agree more Tim (except for the cyclist on the worng side of the coned area). Apologies, I hadn’t watched the video before posting before. I also see now that not one pedestrian was held up on anyway due to the temporary traffic situation.

    I also agree that viable solutions to the traffic are not pursued, and it is scandalous. The opportunity to complete the ring road…missed. the opportunity to alleviate the traffic feom Dryaton Road at double roundabouts…missed. I’m sure there are others.


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