Post Office Queue stretches to Belinda’s Jewellery Box

Post Office Queue
From the Co-op door in Abingdon, people queuing for the post office went as far as the door to Belinda’s Jewellery Box; people waiting for the Co-op itself queued up the other way.
Post Office Queue
From 24th July face covering will become mandatory in shops and supermarkets in England. Belinda has some face masks with a six-layer shield, using copper ions infused technology. They proved popular and sold out and she had more in the shop today. During the lockdown Belinda had plenty of time to make more craft products to sell. The art and craft workshops she used to run have not been possible yet.

15 thoughts on “Post Office Queue stretches to Belinda’s Jewellery Box

  1. Annabel

    I’ve found the town centre PO very sloooow whenever I’ve gone recently. I use Northcourt Rd one instead most of the time, much quicker.

  2. Janet

    After over 40 years of having a post office at Reynolds Way in South Abingdon it was forced to close. This meant that the elderly and disabled have now to use the Co-op post office. We have been let down in South Abingdon. The post office was a focal point for many years.

      1. Janet

        Peter as we have been told The Vale of the White Horse sold the leases of the shops to Reg who owns the convenience store there. When the Post office was closing down I asked them why as the post office had been there for over 40 years. They said that Reg would not renew their lease he wanted to close them down. We now have a problem as we have been told that Reg now owns the pavement outside the shop. All the litter bins have been taken away by the Vale as we have been told that Reg would not pay for them to be emptied. People are now piling rubbish, empty cans etc outside the shop doorway.

        1. Daniel

          has anyone had a conversation with Reg; about the rubbish/bins and the post office situation? Perhaps he doesn’t realise?

  3. Michael

    I visited Waitrose yesterday and was astonished to see that none of the staff were wearing face masks. Obviously they will have to wear them from July 24th but I would have thought the management would have introduced them already for the safety of customers as well as themselves and to set an example for others to follow.

    1. Ben W

      Spoke to a friend who works there today and she said that staff will be wearing masks from Friday, so let’s wait and see.

  4. monagain

    message from the goverment was perfectively clear, from 24/7 public must wear facemasks in shops, staff is discretionary, simples.

  5. PPJS

    We are all members of the public, so why does someone who is putting merchandise on the shelf have a discretion about wearing a mask while some who is take that merchandise off the shelf not have a discretion. Both are touch the goods (or their wrapping), both are breathing the same air.

    Not so simple.

    1. Daniel

      …I think it is as simple as you choose to make it (interestingly alomg party/fans of the governement lines, it seems).

      I am not much a fan of the governement, so I could panic about how they haven’t explicitly told me (us) what finger to pick our nose with…talk about “mixed messages” or “leaving us in the lurch”!!

      However, common sense would suggest that as long as I use my own, it’ll likely be OK.

      If you (as a customer) go in to a shop from Friday you have been asked to wear a mask.
      If you (as a memeber of staff) work in a shop from Friday you’ll have been asked to do something as well.

      Wear a mask in a shop from Friday. I don’t see why it is necessary to stir up a fuss. The meeeedya has to…to create content for 25hr news. You and I don’t have to though.

  6. PPJS

    To be clear, I was not suggesting that we should not wear masks in shops. I was suggesting that this requirement should apply to staff as well to customers in order to avoid any confusion about who should or shouldn’t. We all should, if that is the advice.

    1. Daniel

      Yes, agreed.

      The lock down worked because there was a very simple message. “Don’t go out” (or whatever it was).
      We were told what to do. We did it.
      I kind of agree that there is now ambiguity and that is what leads to confusion.
      It has been shown time and time again “don’t let (or think) that the people can make a decision ” . We can’t.
      Just tell us what to do and we will do it.
      But don’t ask us to think, or decide…as we’ll balls it up!


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