Lone Festival Stall

ATOM Festival of Science and Technology Cancelled
Volunteers manned an ATOM Science and Technology Festival stall on the Market Place for people who had not heard by other means that the festival was cancelled. Most people had heard and were very sympathetic to the volunteers who had worked so hard to organise the event.

One of the helpers from Abingdon School told me that he had given a presentation just last week on the need for good hygiene for disease prevention. Normally this talk would be directed at disease in less developed countries but this week the message was of far more local relevance.

There is a lot of Science related to the virus and its spread that is of interest. For example: The science of soap – here’s how it kills the coronavirus. And here is a Youtube Video to explain the mathematics of how a virus spreads ….

1 thought on “Lone Festival Stall

  1. PPJS

    Thanks, Backstreeter, for posting that excellent bit of maths. It should be shown on mainstream public media.


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