Rotten Bridge, BID, Guildhall, Mummers Play, and Carols

Like a Bridge
There was a meeting of the Abingdon-on-Thames Finance and General Purpose Committee this evening. There were questions from the public submitted beforehand.

I asked when will the foot bridge, allowing access to the Ock Valley Walk, be re-opened. The answer given by Mike Badcock, Leader of the Town Council, was ASAP (As Soon as Possible). They have the budget to rebuild the bridge but do not want to do any work until they have confirmed with the Environment Agency (EA) that the EA have no plans to change the weir as a result of flood alleviation measures in Oxford. So the date depends in getting an answer from the EA.

Eight different business owners from the town centre also came with questions about the Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID). They do not think the BID is giving value for money and were asking for the town council to act as a bridge in bringing the businesses and BID together so they can get answers about how their business rates money is being spent. They would like an AGM and to see full accounts. They also questioned whether they are legally locked into the BID for five years or whether there is a break clause.

There were also questions about the Guildhall. The Town Council is looking to work with another council on a long term use for the modern Abbey Hall. But before that happens Jim Halliday, the questioner, asked whether the Abbey Hall can be re-opened for community groups in the interim. The committee were going to examine the figures in private session and come back with an answer.
Like a Bridge
Elsewhere in the town , the Abingdon Mummers Play was doing the round of the pubs in the town centre and along Ock Street.
Like a Bridge
Carols were played and also sung in the Royal British Legion, thanks to George Haslam.

17 thoughts on “Rotten Bridge, BID, Guildhall, Mummers Play, and Carols

  1. backstreeter

    no answers yet. The Town Council just said it would forward the questions on the businesses behalf to see if they can get answers.

  2. Janet

    Abingdon residents agree with Jim. Abingdon is now the only town in Oxfordshire that does not have a central hall for local groups. It is a disgrace. Abingdon residents feel that councils do not look after the interests of the residents. We only have to look at how local organisations such as the Kingfisher Canoe Club are treated. We have the Vale that acts against Abingdon and local residents. They have wide interests outside abingdon that are in conflict. Instead of committees that produce paper intellectual plans only and do not achieve anything, we need real action and commitment.

  3. ppjs

    The Mummers were very good – entertaining and larger than life.

    The Abbey Hall question surely deserved a better answer than “We will look at it.” I like living in Abingdon, but there are some quite long-running problems (like the BID and the Abbey Hall) that require action. There has been plenty of time for the discussion stage; we urgently need clear decisions and implementation. We can always change the Councillors, but what do we do about prevaricating Officers?

  4. Daniel

    Ppjs…you underestimate the role those officers have. For it is THEY’ that hold the reigns. It is THEY that whisper and guide and tell our councillors what to do, or vote. It is THEY who are unelected, who are unaccountable, and it is THEY who drive Abingdon’s future.

    I think it is THEY that get the plum parking spaces in the multi story….so they are clearly worth it.

    If any councillors had NOT listened to any officers, who in turn had listened to expensive consultants – again with equally total unaccountability….then I would argue the town would be no worse off, dare I say…even better, than it is today.

    But still. Mustn’t grumble…

  5. Iain

    There’s a big difference between the role of officers at the Vale and at the Town Counci Daniel. This relates to the relative sizes/complexity of the organisations.

    The position with the Abbey Hall that Paul refers to relates to the Town Council and is entirely driven by decisions/lack of decisions by councillors.

  6. Sandra

    a.s.a.p. is that as long as temporary ? because the footpath 8 that goes through the quarry in Sunningwell has been temporary closed for 3 years and is closed temporary till 2019 because Oxford County Council feel it needs steps and don’t have the money to pay for them,

  7. Dave

    People are sick of the same old excuses which are given before the council go into secret meeting behind closed doors to come up with the same lame old answers.

  8. Hester

    Some Town Councillors still say that it is only a few vocal people who care about the Abbey Hall and the old Guildhall Rooms and that they – the TC – as the elected reps are acting in accordance with the views of the silent majority. The fact that nearly 2000 people signed the petition didn’t seem to sway them from this view, so it might be helpful if others who have not already done so, contacted their local Town Councillors to let them know what they think.

  9. ppjs

    Councillors are not elected to do nothing, but to consider what is best for the town and to ensure that it happens – insofar as their powers permit.

    If we are to be governed by apathy, what hope is there?

    Well, Hester, I’m not shooting the messenger, and I wish you and all subscribers the compliments of the season.

    What a good year Backstreeter has given us!

  10. newcomer

    The Town Councillors quake as they anticipate their next steamrollering by The Vale Functionaries. Splat, they go, without a whimper … spineless blubber flattened flatter than the flattest lasagne pasta … extruded beyond your wildest dreams of extrusion. …

  11. Paul

    Should party politics effect local issues? Maybe all councillors should be independent & free to vote as to the wished of the people, not how their party tells them to vote.

  12. Kelly Simpson

    I agree with Paul. Would love to see more independent councillors who vote for what they believe is best for the town and listen to the people and vote as they wish.

  13. davidofLuton

    two of my sons are taking part in a mummers play around the pubs of Luton on Boxing Day, raising money for the local hospice. One is playing st George, the other is playing the giant.


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