Superdrug to move to more prominent position in Bury Street

It has been rumoured for a while that the large new empty unit in Bury Street will soon have a new occupant.
Superdrug will be moving from their current premises to the new unit. In planning application P15/V2508/FUL they are looking for approval for a new shop front.

When the new units were built the general understanding was they would attract some new big names to Abingdon. Now New Look have moved across into one, and Superdrug are moving into the other. Good to see the commitment of these two companies to Abingdon – even if things have not gone quite to plan.

17 thoughts on “Superdrug to move to more prominent position in Bury Street

  1. rafe

    How is that great?
    It demonstrates that business has low confidence in the town as no new shops are opening.
    Why dont they just knock down the old part and shift all the shops from down there into the new parade?

  2. Dave

    There seems to be activity in the empty units at the Market Square end of Bury Street, with builders gutting the large corner unit and two smaller units. If the corner unit is to become a restaurant, will they together with the coffee shop, be allowed to completely block the entrance to the precinct with outside chairs and tables.

  3. SIMON

    Shows some confidence in the town if Superdrug are moving to larger premises so soon after they opened their “Savers” shop as well or is something finally going to happen with the re development of the far end of the precinct

  4. andy

    I’ll bet the long established chemists very near the new location for Superdrug are pleased with this shuffling around of premises.

  5. Rosie

    I hear the Plough is going to be Smiths Chemists before Xmas. Sad to see what has become of Smiths Chemists they used to have a good array of Xmas gifts. Hope it will be better in the new spot.

  6. Cassandra

    I was told that Smiths (although retaining the name) has been taken over by another company. I agree, it is not what it once was. I used to buy a lot of gifts there and always used it in preference to the chain stores.
    I even miss their attractively decorated windows. It is just not the same.
    We must be an unhealthy lot in Abingdon to merit so many Chemist shops!

  7. Steve

    Wildwood plans are on the Vale site. I think it looks quite attractive, especially given how ugly the previous shops were. The Wantage branch also looks pretty tasteful with reasonably priced food and a small Italian Deli. I believe it will open in Jan.

    Superdrug moving to a larger unit is a good move because it helps pave the way to do something else at the Charter end. I heard from someone that Poundland is moving, but that is unsubstantiated. Aldi could move into a unit the size of Poundland….which would increase footfall and traffic.

  8. Colin

    Steve that will never happen, if Phase 2 ever happens. Move the library and Health Centre, Adult Care Centre??. Demolish Charters and Multi Storey car park. Then build an ‘anchor’ supermarket development, (with or without parking). maybe Aldi would move in then…

  9. Coggin

    There is a sign on one of the empty units in Abingdon with the name Pandora, maybe a new jewellery shop for christmas time?


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