Abingdon New builds starting in October 2015

Abingdon New builds
The Google Street View Camera last visited the Drayton Road in April.
Abingdon New builds
Six months later, trees have been cut down, and building supplies have been delivered to a field off the Drayton Road. For many years it was used by horses. Very soon it will be used for houses.
Abingdon New builds
The Google Camera drove by 65 Oxford Road in June 2015. The trees had already been cleared.
Abingdon New builds
In October, concrete has been poured into a mold cut from the soil – outlining the new build.

15 thoughts on “Abingdon New builds starting in October 2015

  1. Captainkaos2

    Blimey, looks more like the footings for block of flats ! While on the subject of developments etc in town, any comments on the new crossing on Marcham road ? In particular the fact that the lights going into town are completely obliterated by the two large road signs just in front of them! Lovely eh !

  2. ppjs

    Ah, that’s called planning… Some of the road layouts in Abingdon are curious, to say the least and as for signs being obscured, maintenance of visibility and legibility of signage is deplorable. I have commented on this to traffic police officers – their replies are hardly complimentary of the county highways authority.

  3. Janet

    The new pedestrian crossings are nearly finished in Ock Street and the Marcham Road. When the houses are finished in Morland Gardens, Drayton Road, this will generate another 250 cars using the Drayton Road. It will be interesting to see if the claim that the crossings will mean that only 5 cars will be waiting at the Drayton Road roundabout at peak times. We were promised that no further development would take place in Abingdon until roads had been built to alleviate the traffic problems in Abingdon.

  4. Captainkaos2

    Hey Janet, what they have conveniently chosen to ignore in all of the planning/traffic management conditions and objections are the 75 house that are going to be built 1000 meters along from “Morland Gardens” opposite the Sutton Wick turn in Drayton ?

  5. David

    Yes and that’s not all. Housing estates are to be built on two other large sites in Drayton. Have they been factored into the traffic calculations? Why are these never mentioned?

  6. Craig

    “only 5 cars waiting at the Drayton Road roundabout at peak times” – if this comes to pass (ever) I shall dance naked in Market Square.

  7. Spike S

    Nice offer, Craig. If that happens, I shall come and throw a few buns to you !
    Just to keep it traditional, perhaps you should add a few Morris dancer’s jingle bells to your wiffle stick ?

  8. andy

    Flats seem to be the go to option for maximising profits. I wonder if 65 Oxford Rd will turn into one of those soulless block of flats, that have sprung up elsewhere in Abingdon.

  9. Fiona Davies

    No. 65 Oxford Road will be rwo 5 bed houses. You can see the plans for the development on the planning area of the VWHDC website. Earlier plans for flats were rejected.

  10. Daniel

    Plans shmans Fiona…. Since when has a developer ever let submitted plans get in the way of doing what they actually want?

  11. ppjs

    Daniel: – unless you’re a wicked private person wanting to make the kitchen in your 1960’s semi into something more suitable for 2015.

  12. Daniel

    ….I agree entirely ppjs. The ‘rules’ will come down, and cone down hard on you if you want to build a granny annex for your elderly relative…or we get castigated if our hedge overgrows the path…but…if a developer wants to stick its fingers up at the council and do what it likes…pulling their pants down and mooning in our general direction…it seens the council either can’t be bothered or isn’t interested in enforcing anything.

    The tree situation at 65 Oxford Rd has been allowed to happen, because, simply, according to the email I got from the planning office, is they couldn’t be bothered to pursue it (wrapped up in “its not in the rate payers onterest)”).

    Unfortunatelly, those people are unelected, and entirely unaccountable for their actions, their decisions or the outcomes.

    Still…it’s the council who do the flowers, so they aren’t all bad….

  13. Boris Oris

    On the Drayton Road at 11.40ish this morning, there were 56 cars queuing for the double roundabout. Which by my calculation is 51 more than 5. How is that possible?

  14. Kelly Simpson

    “only 5 cars waiting at the Drayton Road roundabout at peak times”. Well, with both sets of lights now working, the queue today, Sunday at 3pm (hardly peak time) was back past Mill Road.


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