An Old Landfill South of Abingdon

Old Landfill South of Abingdon
The Sutton Wick landfill site has been filled and landscaped and there is a footpath from Peep-o-Day Lane across to Drayton over the site.
Old Landfill South of Abingdon
Trees have been planted.
Old Landfill South of Abingdon
There is also a lake with an island at the centre
Old Landfill South of Abingdon
where birds are at home.

Lorries no longer come this way from the Drayton Road to the landfill site. The remote area just south of Abingdon is being left for nature to reclaim in a managed way.
Old Landfill South of Abingdon
In one corner of the site there is evidence that Cemex, the multinational company who took over the company that originally extracted gravel from this site, are generating electricity from the methane produced by our old waste.

Cemex work with RSPB on a number of old landfill sites.

9 thoughts on “An Old Landfill South of Abingdon

  1. Janet

    None of the garden birds have been seen in the gardens this winter so it is good news to have an environment that will encourage them

  2. Abingdon resident

    What a good news. Glad you have told us since it seems that doom and gloom stories get the publicity these days.

  3. shellsuit

    I see our intrepid urban recorder has ventured beyond our town boundaries and found a lesser known delight in a neighbouring parish. About a year ago the footpath that used to access this area from Stonehill Lane was diverted (good job as it was along a ditch) and access is now from the junction of Peep o Day lane and Stonehill lane via a large kissing gate. Be careful though the start of the path can be quite muddy in this weather. The footpath from the reserve onto the Sutton Courtenay -Drayton Road is often waterlogged but there is now a sturdy set of steps from the field up to the road. Note also that Stonehill Lane can be under several inches of water in the current conditions. Spring is a good time to visit the reserve as Lapwings (the bird shown on the sign) are to be seen displaying over the reserve. A nice quiet location just outside of town. There are many places like this within walking distance of the town, Radley lakes for another, and Ock nature reserve.

    The land between Abingdon and Drayton around Oday and Stonehill is generally flooded in the the current conditions and getting there requires caution and wellies. Peep o day lane at the Sutton end is impassable in severe flooding too.

    The field where the new houses are to be built had lots of standing water last month too, I hope this was considered when giving permission to build.

  4. maria

    I live at Oday Hill and wondered who is saying no lorries pass this way anymore? some days it is really busy don here!

  5. backstreeter

    Sorry Maria. I meant no lorries are going to that particular dump. They may still be going to the quarry or whatever it is further on.

  6. Martin

    yeah the lorries go to the quarry past this site.
    the restored landfill also has red kites,buzzards,kestrels,and I think I saw a marsh harrier last year at the moment the only way of getting there is up the pathway from the sewage treatment plant unless you have a boat!

  7. Pingback: A walk round the EX land | Abingdon Blog

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