Monthly Archives: March 2019

New stiles and signs from Stonehill Lane

New styles and signs
There is a walk across the fields from Stonehill Lane (Oday Hill) to South Abingdon ending at Kensington Close. There is a lot of work going on around Stonehill Lane as the quarries are extended. A new access road has been built and as a result the walk across the fields has gained some new stiles to cross the access road.
New styles and signs
There are also new footpath signs so it is clearer than it used to be at the Stonehill Lane end. The footpath is not so obvious if you start from South Abingdon. One of the minor roads off Kensington Close is called Stonehill Walk. The way and leads from Abingdon to Drayton.

Clubs and Societies Day – 3 of 3 – Council Chamber

The last room I visited was the grand Council Chamber where the large portraits of royalty and Abingdonians looked down on Clubs and Societies Day, hosted by the Mayor of Abingdon-on-Thames, Councillor Margaret Crick.
Clubs and Societies Day
Abingdon Horticulural Society have their Spring Show on Saturday the 6th of April at the Northcourt Centre from 2pm until 4pm. Members compete in classes for Spring Flowers, Baking, Photographs and  Handicrafts. There is a special section for young people to enter a range of exhibits. The Mayor of Abingdon will present the prizes to winning exhibitors at 4pm. The entrance fee for non members is £1. There will be a plant stall and refreshments will be available.
Clubs and Societies Day
The ABCD Film Society are nearing the end of their annual programme of films at the Abbey Centre off Audlett Drive. They have a special event on 28th March when the film Cold War will be introduced by Polish Historian, Hubert Zuwadzki.
Clubs and Societies Day
Assisted Reading for Children in Oxfordshire (ARCh) are on the look out for more volunteers to give additional help listening to children read. Children are specially chosen by schools, and volunteers go through a specially designed training programme.
Clubs and Societies Day
 Abingdon Music Centre help Abingdon people make music whatever their age. They run a wide variety of groups from learning instruments like guitars and recorders to being part of a choir or orchestra.
Clubs and Societies Day
 Abingdon Fitzharrys WI was formed in 1966 and continues to flourish with more than 40 members. They meet at The Northcourt Centre on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abingdon Lions were recently featured on the blog for their fund raising and charity work. They were in the Council Chamber near the Gainsboroughs.

Clubs and Societies Day – 2 of 3 – Magistrates Room

Clubs and Societies Day
On the second part of covering the Clubs and Societies Day, we are in the Magistrates Court, and the first view is from the dock – looking down.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Earl of Manchester’s Regiment visited the event in the search of new volunteers.  They had details of their forthcoming events,  including one at Cropredy, and information about just how easy it is to have a taster at a reenactment weekend. They have an Oxford group. Their website is
Clubs and Societies Day
The South Abingdon Family Centre had a stall manned by Lesley Legge who is the chairman of trustees. Also at the stall is Michael Matthews, a governor of Christ’s Hospital of Abingdon – who have supported the Family Centre. Michael was the Mayor of the Borough of Abingdon in 1972/3. Lesley was the Mayor of Abingdon 2000/2001.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abingdon Astronomical Society were there for anybody interested in astronomy who would like to meet fellow enthusiasts. They will will help you appreciate and understand stars and the universe, and give advice on telescopes and equipment.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Friends of Abingdon were there with a stall. One of their initiatives is  the AbiBinit litter picking Initiative led by Helen.  There will be a River & River Bank Clean-up on Saturday 13th April. You can also do an Anytime Litter Pick. Email South and Vale Waste Team for bags and a litter picker.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abbey Meadow Lacemakers were demonstrating lacemaking near the judges bench. They meet on the third Tuesday of every month at Preston Road Community Centre.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abingdon Bowling Club told me that they are happy for people to look in and watch when they have a match at the Albert Park Green. They have taster sessions on Friday 17 May from 5pm.
Clubs and Societies Day
I learned that there are two Fencing Clubs in Abingdon. The Abingdon Fencing Club  were in the Magistrates Court. Normally they meet at St Helen and St Katherine School. A new adult Taster Session is being launched and will take place on the 4th Thursday of each month, costing £5 per person.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Friends of Abingdon Community Hospital do an excellent job demonstrating the community support for the local hospital which is so important to keep. Their fund raising helps buy equipment for the hospital.

Tomorrow we go to the Council Chamber.

Clubs and Societies Day – 1 of 3 – Roysse Room

Clubs and Societies Day
Three of the rooms in the Guildhall were full of stalls for Clubs and Societies Day. I will visit a room a day for the next three days to given an impression of some of the groups.
Clubs and Societies Day
Abingdon Drama Club are currently performing Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer at the Unicorn Theatre.  The next show ‘Allo ‘Allo by David Croft and  Jeremy Lloyd will have casting on 27th March and 1st April.  There is more at
Clubs and Societies Day
Dementia Friendly Abingdon is a group raising understanding of dementia and promoting dementia friendly practice throughout the town. There is a good article about them in the latest Abingdon Town Magazine (that has just come through people’s doors). There are 300 places in the UK that have qualified as Dementia Friendly Communities and we want to add Abingdon to the list. There are hour long information sessions for businesses and groups. Email to find out more.
Clubs and Societies Day
Alongside was Healthy Abingdon who promote Dementia Friendly Abingdon and a number of other initiatives. For example there is Music for Mind and Body at the Conduit Centre, Trinity Church on Thursday.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abingdon Carbon Cutters were showing some of their different initiatives including Plastic Free Abingdon.

My wife has started her first ever blog, about us going Plastic Free at Lent. She was posting things on Facebook but a friend was sharing it with her school class and suggested the blog. It is called Unfantastic Plastic.
Clubs and Societies Day
The Abbey Brass had a stall. Joining them is a great way to learn an instrument as they will lend you, or your child, the instrument and give you lessons and let you perform with the training band.
Clubs and Societies Day
Friends of Radley Lakes were there with a stall. Radley Parish Council are starting to put together a Neighbourhood Plan and the Friends want to hear how people want Radley Lakes to be developed, balancing new footpaths with the need to protect wildlife in some areas. Ideas can then be put forward into the plan.
Clubs and Societies Day
Age UK had a stall with a furry cat that moved and licked its own paw to clean itself. This was quite strange as it was a cuddly toy. Age UK also had a leaflet showing all the services they provide.

There were lots of visitors passing through the Roysse Room. Tomorrow we head to the Magistrates Court.