Monthly Archives: June 2016

News about Local Plan for the Vale of White Horse

new houses
The inspector looking into the Vale of White Horse development Plan to 2031 has said that, subject to some modifications, he is likely to find that the plan is sound and can be adopted. The only modification that may effect Abingdon is ‘Whilst the inspector is happy that there are exceptional circumstances to amend the green belt in four areas where the council is proposing housing allocations.He is not satisfied with other proposed changes to the green belt where no housing is proposed and has stated there are not exceptional circumstances to justify them.’

So it looks like the 1000+ new houses to the North of Abingdon will be allowed. I am not so sure about the Park and Ride for 1600 cars, and ancillary development at Lodge Hill. The full press release is available under the title ‘Great news for the Vale’s Local Plan’

Queen Elizabeth’s 90th Birthday Party at Abingdon Rugby Club

90th Birthday Party
Sunday was a day for 90th Birthday Parties for HM Queen Elizabeth in Abingdon. I expect others will send more pictures in due course. But here is a quick look at what was happening at Abingdon Rugby Club where ‘Yeah Baby’ organised the bands.
90th Birthday Party
The Mayor of Abingdon, Councillor Alice Badcock, was there to host this event put on for people in the town.
90th Birthday Party
There were a number of entertainers there
90th Birthday Party
including Mr Fox, and the fantastic Mr Otter who wheeled a wooden cart laden with magic props and curios.

Queen Elizabeth’s 90th Birthday Service at St Nicolas Church

90th Church Service
At 18:00 on Saturday in St Nic’s Church people gathered for a service of celebration for the Queen’s 90th Birthday while crowds outside gathered for the bun throwing.

The service was led by Rev’d Paul Smith, and the singing was led by four choirs from: St Helen’s, St Nic’s, St Michael’s, and Radley Parish Church. The choirs sang Zadoc the Priest, and led the congregation singing some of Her Majesty’s favorite hymns (as featured at her own wedding) including ‘Praise my Soul the King of Heaven’ and ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd’. They also sang the National Anthem but not the verse about ‘Scattering her enemies and Confounding their politics…’

Her Majesty might have been amused to hear the service being accompanied by tunes such as the floral dance played outside by Abingdon Town Band.

The crowds gathered outside had grown so large that it was difficult to get out at the end of the service. Worshipers had to make an escape from the side entrance to join the crowds for the bun throw.

Hot Air Balloons above the Bun Throwing

Bun Throwing
At the start of the bun throw we saw three different hot air balloons behind St Nic’s Church: an MG balloon, a green and white balloon, and a Union Jack balloon.

Bradley took the pictures used here flying the green yellow and white balloon. Many thanks to him.
Bun Throwing
They took off from Rye farm meadow with the kind permission of the local authorities, and got some amazing views of the Bun Throwing.Bun Throwing
The MG balloon was flown by Peter Woodward,
Bun Throwing
and the Union Jack balloon (seen at Rye Farm before take off) was piloted by Peter George.