Monthly Archives: July 2012

Missing Facebook Dog Found

Facebook Dog Found
I got an email from Karen a day ago asking whether I had been following the story of the missing dog that Abingdon facebook users were trying to track down …

There followed some extracts

…..Just to let everyone know the dog on the loose since Wednesday is still at large !!! It was being taken from rescue, as company for another family dog, but escaped when getting out of the car ! It’s black & white and fairly long haired and seems to have sussed out Boxhill Park and the surrounding area as it has been sighted sleeping in various gardens and under the shelter and knows it’s way around all of the local roads/gardens/woods…

…..There was a lady trying to catch it when I went to pick the boys up from school this afternoon. From what I heard, she only got it today and it doesn’t have a name yet and hasn’t got to know her yet…..

I was about to do a blog on the missing dog but then got a picture and message to show all was OK …

The dog was captured last night and taken to a vet who returned her, they have now called her cookie as she was a tough cookie to catch.

Plans for Stroll In to divide into two shop units and five apartments

Stroll In Changes
There is currently a planning application to split what was “Stroll In” in two. “Stroll In” closed in Februray 2011 and has been empty since.

The architect planning the changes argues that before about the 1970s, when some major structural alterations were made to remove walls and replace them with beams and pillars, there were two shops on this site – one with a frontage on Stert Street, one on the Market Place.
Stroll In Changes
“Stroll In” did always seem an odd shape and that could explain it.

The upstairs space will also be divided into five apartments. Although there is no on street parking, more cycle storage will be provided, and tenants may be able to apply to join the Vale of White Horse Residents Parking Scheme using the Cattle Market and Abbey Meadow Car Parks.

Swan Upping Cancelled – Instead Pigeons Up on the County Hall Roof

The Swan Upping has been cancelled in 2012 because the River Thames is flowing too fast for the swan uppers to row against.

Instead, and this may not please everybody, I have pictures and a video of pigeons up on the County Hall Roof …
Pigeons instead
The pigeon is probably the bird I see most in Abingdon. Up on high precipices or flying round above us all, pigeons thrive where we thrive. They are always up there watching for an opportunity to feed wherever and whenever we drop food.
Pigeons instead
But there is more to pigeons than food. They are intelligent, sociable animals, and they leave a lot of droppings. I have a short video of Two Pigeons Up on the County Hall Roof showing off.