Category Archives: street scene

Lifting Wobbly Pavement

Lifting Wobbly Pavement
Ever since workmen laid the new pavement on the High Street there appears to be something trying to get out from beneath. Back in March 2010 I was told that  ‘the paving stones all have to be relayed as wrong size blocks were delivered‘.

Today I reported this particular lifting wobbly pavement to . I can’t remember anything having been done yet.

Residents Parking Consultation

Residents Parking
In the town centre there is a residents parking scheme. Residents pay £100 a year and can park in the on-street parking spaces – some of which are reserved for residents only. Often in the evening and weekend there are none to be found.

The County Council has been consulting residents on their ideas for some additional spaces. See the map above.
Residents Parking
Two new on street parking places have already appeared up West St Helen Street – gaining back some of the 5-6 there before the Co-op was built.
Residents Parking
In previous consultations the proposed residents parking was put down on the left side of St Helen’s Court. This time the proposal is to allow parking next to the tapering cobbled pavement on the other side. This is a little controversial since some residents have carers who need to park and nip in for a few minutes. They couldn’t if all the spaces were used. So we shall see.

Three front doors

Abingdon Surgery
I am reminded of a the film where The Beatles all arrive home, enter separate front doors, and end up in the same combined house behind. At Abingdon Surgery on Stert Street, both these doors have an arrow pointing further up the street.
Abingdon Surgery
The entrance to the surgery is now where Thomas & Co used to be – before they moved to Lombard Street.

County Hall at Night

There were some comings and goings today at the County Hall where refurbishment work is to start soon. Some of the museum shop has been set up next to the Information Centre in Old Abbey House.

Plans for how exhibitions will look when the County Hall Museum reopens, and other services on offer, will be part of a public consultation meeting on 27th January at 7pm at the Guildhall.