Category Archives: Christmas

Christmas Post Boxes

The Christmas postbox topper on the Market Place has Father Chrismas and Rudolph.

At Tesco, the Christmas topper has a snowman and hedgehogs.

I have not seen a topper in the Co-op yet, but there was a notice saying, ‘Post Box full’. There were also large lunchtime queues at the post office itself. Allow plenty of time for posting this year.

Christmas Decorations at all but home

The shops have had them up for some time now. This picture showed Fabulous Flowers two weeks ago.

We put up the decorations three days ago at Preston Road Community Centre.

We put up the tree in Trinity Church today. That tree, bought in a sale in February about six years ago, paid for itself within two years. And it is easier than trying to hack the trunk of a real tree.

Just home left to do.

More energy efficient Christmas Lights

The across-street and lamppost lights in the town centre have changed this year.

Previously they were a mix of colours; the new ones are bluey white and more energy efficient.

The candle lights around the Market Place and curtain lights inside the museum remain unchanged. They are all organised by the town council out of council taxes.

The Bury Street lights are provided by the Bury Street Shopping Centre.

Christmas every day

It may take a bit longer to clear away Christmas this year. The tree in the Market Place is still there even if the lights and baubels are gone.

The sign outside St Edmund and our Lady in Abingdon still has the joy of Christmas.

On the church noticeboard a poem says the work of Christmas begins when the Kings have gone home and the shepherds are back with their flocks. Peacemaking is never complete.