Category Archives: fair

Longest Street Fair in the UK ( 1½ miles long ) – 2021

The Abingdon Street Fair was back after missing a year in 2020. Street vendors were outside their restaurants to add local colour to the event.

Abingdon has a vibrant restaurant scene.

There were only a few face masks to be seen.
The crowds were big.

The rides look the same as two years ago when the event was last held.

Here is a video of some of the rides.

Abingdon Street Fair set up and Fair Service

This is the view from our window, early this morning, as a children’s ride awaits its turn to join the other rides in the fair.

This is the view at about midday as people work hard to put together the many parts of the Hebborn’s Waltzer.

This is how far they had got.

Here are some of the people who, like me, take pictures of the workers setting up the fair.
Just before 7 pm, Revd, Charles Miller arrived to lead the Fair Service .

Music for hymns was provided by Abingdon Town Band

The Mayor and Abingdon Town Councillors helped to lead the service. The Mayor thanked many people for making the fair possible, including Mr William Wilson M.B.E., and his wife Emily, who lead the organisation of the fair.

After the service, those that wanted could have a ride on Hebborn’s Galloping Horses carousel. Pictured are Mr Nigel Warner, the Town Clerk; Cllr Samantha Bowring, the leader of the town council; and The Mayor, Cllr Cheryl Briggs.

June Funfair and Morris Dancers on Ock Street

Along Ock Street are posters for a funfair at Ladygrove Meadow, beside the River Ock. NHS Staff with IDs can ride for free.

Abingdon once boasted seven fairs. The Michaelmas Fair is still very large and successful. There was also a Ock Street Fair in June. And the Funfair says ‘glad to be back’. I am not sure it is the same one.

A sign at the fairground entrance lists the Covid-19 rules and regulations.

The Abingdon Traditional Morris Dancers were dancing outside the Brewery Tap, off Ock Street, at around 3 pm.

Mr Harry Knight was made the mock mayor of Ock Street for next year without the usual election – because of Covid-19 rules and regulations.

Also present was Roger Cox, a previous mock mayor of several years. He now prefers to carry the real mantle of power – a pig’s bladder. He is officially called the fool. In Shakespeare, fools are clever commoners that use their wits to outdo Lords and Kings. In Abingdon, fools are clever commoners who use their wit and pigs bladder to drive Morris Dancers.

The horns are taken from a black ox, roasted on the Bury in Abingdon in the year 1700. An argument broke out between the men of Ock Street and the men of The Vineyard over the ownership of the horns. The horns were wrestled over the Ock Street finishing line after a determined battle between the men of both streets. The Ock Street men got to keep the horns and are still showing them off over three hundred years later.

Abingdon Michaelmas Fair – on this Monday

Not Fair
Today is the Monday when the Abingdon Michaelmas Fair would normally begin. The window in the Charter Day Centre still has a poster from a previous year.
Not Fair
There were no fair rides set up on Sunday, and no fair service. The Monday Market was on the Market Place and no fair rides.

As Monday evening came I would normally expect to hear young excited voices going to the fair. But not this year.
Not Fair
Normally on this Monday, above the Market Place, against the sky, Meteorite would battle with Body Count to be the loudest and brightest ride – whirling with their bright lights between St Nicolas Church and the County Hall.
Not Fair
Normally on this Monday, the traffic down Ock Street would stop for the fair. The only cars at this point would be dodgems.
Not Fair
Normally on this Monday, the staff from Dorindos would be outside giving away samples and selling takeaways to the crowds.
Not Fair
From this viewing point, I would normally see shooting galleries, stalls selling candy floss and chips. Further along would be some children’s rides. Crowds of people would be moving: some one way, some the other.

The fair was cancelled this year because of Covid-19, and the danger of such crowds.
Not Fair
The spirit of the fair was still there in a small way. Some people walked from the Market Place, along High Street and Ock Street and helped to carry a tradition. These two people were enjoying Reeves Fish and Chips, sitting on the wall that would be normally crowded on this Monday.
Not Fair
This ride may look like it came from the Nursery Shop. I can still imagine the sound of the Wurlitzer and the Galloping Horses at Abingdon Michaelmas Fair – on this Monday.