Category Archives: ceremony

Armed Forces Flag

Thankyou to David for these pictures.

National Armed Forces Day is on Saturday 26 June 2010, but a lot of towns, including Abingdon, chose today to raise the Armed Forces Flag on Monday 21st.
Mayor of Abingdon Presenting Medals
Before the Flag raising, the Mayor of Abingdon presented medals to soldiers recently returned from Afghanistan.
Mayor of Abingdon Presenting Medals
The armed forces flag was then raised above the roof of the county hall.
Presentation to Town and Vale
At a reception afterwards, the Royal Logistics Corps presented the Vale of White Horse, and Town of Abingdon with a framed set of pictures showing troops in action at the recent Freedom parade.

Are politicians getting younger?

Morris Men and Fire Men Before the Mayor Making
Wednesday night was the Mayor Making in Abingdon. Duncan Brown, the new Mayor is both a Morris Dancer and part-time Fireman, and both were there to help. The morris dancers performed beforehand, and the Firemen helped get signatures for Duncan’s first charity fund raising event which involved throwing himself out of an aeroplane.
Mayor and Escourt
This is Duncan with his escourt, Sreeja, after the ceremony, saying goodbye to the ‘Honoured Guests’.
Mayor and Deputy Mayor
And here he is again with the new deputy mayor whose name escapes me for the moment. By the way Duncan is thirty three years old which seems quite young to me, but not so young as our new MP who is only thirty.

Are our politicians getting younger?

Saint George’s Parade – 2010

The Chinese Dragon a the start of the parade
The parade – comprising many young uniformed groups – started in the Old Cattle Market Car Park.

First to leave was the Chinese Dragon. It took a short cut…
Scottish Bagpipes lead the St George Day Parade
The Oxford Caledonian Pipe Band then led the rest of the parade round and along Abbey Close. Unlike last year it did not go to St Helen’s Church.
Dignataries welcome parade to Abbey Gardens
Instead they saluted the dignitaries at the entrance to the Abbey Gardens. Dignatories included… the Mayor, the Chair AND Vice Chair of the Vale District Council, and some senior scout and guide leaders.
Young Uniformed groups stand in large circle in Abbey Gardens
The uniformed groups then gathered in a large circle, at the spot where the Abbey once stood – for the religious part of the proceedings…
Revd Richard Bittleston blesses a new scout flag
Revd. Richard from Trinity Church blessed a new scout district flag.

I do not know what came next as I had to leave. Perhaps somebody out there knows…