I see there is a Harvest Thanksgiving service at St Nics today. Such thanksgivings are worldwide and very ancient. I expect they will be decorating the church building with baskets of fruit and food and then sharing it with those who might need it more. But not all of the harvest has been gathered in…
These apples, and about half as many again – still on the tree, are to be found by the BMX Track in South Town Parks – part of nature’s harvest that has not been picked but could well be pecked.
These elderberries were there a couple of weeks ago beside the River Ock – possibly already being brewed into wine or flavouring pies. But I’m sure enough escape to be dispersed by birds.
Nearby, Guelder Rose Berries, also known as drupes, stay on the tree longer – until the beginning of winter – when they provide birds with food.
The seeds of the cow parsley have no clever dispersal mechanism (via bird pooh) and usually fall and grow within a couple of feet of the parent plant. Lazy, but effective.
Nature’s Harvest
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